Package Manager#

Installation through a package manager is the recommended option except for the coupling to MSC Marc.


Ubuntu packages are hosted on launchpad. Supported versions are

  • 24.10 (Oracular Oriole)

  • 24.04 (Noble Numbat)

  • 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur)

  • 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)

  • 20.04 (Focal Fossa)

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh, except on 20.04), and processing tools (python3-damask) can be installed with

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eisenforschung/damask
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y damask

Details regarding the individual packages are available on DAMASK@launchpad.


Debian packages are hosted on the openSUSE Build Service. Supported versions are

  • Unstable

  • Testing

  • 12

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python3-damask) can be installed with

export DEBIAN_RELEASE=12   # or other supported version
export OBS_URL=
echo "deb ${OBS_URL}/Debian_${DEBIAN_RELEASE}/ /" \
  | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:MarDieh.list
curl -fsSL${DEBIAN_RELEASE}/Release.key \
  | gpg --dearmor \
  | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_MarDieh.gpg > /dev/null
apt-get update
apt-get install -y damask

Details regarding the available packages can be found on DAMASK@openSUSE Build Service.


Fedora packages are hosted on the openSUSE Build Service. Supported versions are

  • 40

  • 39

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python-damask) can be installed with

dnf install -y fedora-release
export FEDORA_RELEASE=$(rpm --query fedora-release | cut -f3 -d '-')
export OBS_URL=
dnf config-manager --add-repo ${OBS_URL}/Fedora_${FEDORA_RELEASE}/home:MarDieh.repo
dnf install -y damask

Details regarding the available packages can be found on DAMASK@openSUSE Build Service.


Running DAMASK_grid and DAMASK_mesh requires to load the mpi module via module load mpi.


openSuse packages are hosted on the openSUSE Build Service. Supported versions are

  • Tumbleweed

  • Slowroll

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python-damask) can be installed with

export openSUSE_RELEASE=Tumbleweed   # or other supported version
export OBS_URL=
zypper addrepo ${OBS_URL}/openSUSE_${openSUSE_RELEASE}/home:MarDieh.repo
zypper refresh
zypper install damask

Details regarding the available packages can be found on DAMASK@openSUSE Build Service.

Arch Linux#

Recipes for Arch Linux and related distributions are available on the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR).

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python-damask) can be installed with

git clone
cd damask
pacman -U *damask*.zst

Details regarding the individual packages are available on DAMASK@AUR.


Conda packages are hosted on conda-forge.

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python-damask) can be installed with

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install damask

Details regarding the individual packages are available on DAMASK@conda-forge.


On Windows, due to missing dependencies, only the processing tools (python-damask) can be installed but not the solvers.


The Conda package is maintained on GitHub. Please report issues directly to the DAMASK feedstock repository.


Spack packages are included as mainline packages.

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (py-damask) can be installed with

spack install damask

Details regarding the individual packages are available on DAMASK@Spack.


Due to incompatibilities, the processing tools (py-damask) cannot be built using the Intel toolchain (intel-oneapi-compilers).


The Spack package is maintained on GitHub. Please report issues directly to the Spack repository.