Source code for damask._configmaterial

from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence, Dict, Any, List

import numpy as np
import h5py
import logging

from . import YAML
from . import Rotation
from . import Orientation
from . import util
from . import tensor
from . import Table
from ._typehints import FloatSequence, StrSequence

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ConfigMaterial(YAML): """ Material configuration. Manipulate material configurations for storage in YAML format. A complete material configuration file has the entries 'material', 'phase', and 'homogenization'. """ def __init__(self, config: Optional[Union[str,Dict[str,Any]]] = None,*, homogenization: Optional[Dict[str,Dict]] = None, phase: Optional[Dict[str,Dict]] = None, material: Optional[List[Dict[str,Any]]] = None): """ New material configuration. Parameters ---------- config : dict or str, optional Material configuration. String needs to be valid YAML. homogenization : dict, optional Homogenization configuration. Defaults to an empty dict if 'config' is not given. phase : dict, optional Phase configuration. Defaults to an empty dict if 'config' is not given. material : dict, optional Materialpoint configuration. Defaults to an empty list if 'config' is not given. """ kwargs: Dict[str,Union[Dict[str,Dict],List[Dict[str,Any]]]] = {} for arg,value in zip(['homogenization','phase','material'],[homogenization,phase,material]): if value is None and config is None: kwargs[arg] = [] if arg == 'material' else {} elif value is not None: kwargs[arg] = value super().__init__(config,**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_DREAM3D(fname: str, grain_data: Optional[str] = None, cell_data: Optional[str] = None, cell_ensemble_data: str = 'CellEnsembleData', phases: str = 'Phases', Euler_angles: str = 'EulerAngles', phase_names: str = 'PhaseName', base_group: Optional[str] = None) -> 'ConfigMaterial': """ Load DREAM.3D (HDF5) file. Data in DREAM.3D files can be stored per cell ('CellData') and/or per grain ('Grain Data'). Per default, i.e. if 'grain_data' is None, cell-wise data is assumed. Parameters ---------- fname : str or pathlib.Path Filename of the DREAM.3D (HDF5) file. grain_data : str Name of the group (folder) containing grain-wise data. Defaults to None, in which case cell-wise data is used. cell_data : str Name of the group (folder) containing cell-wise data. Defaults to None in wich case it is automatically detected. cell_ensemble_data : str Name of the group (folder) containing data of cell ensembles. This group is used to inquire the name of the phases. Phases will get numeric IDs if this group is not found. Defaults to 'CellEnsembleData'. phases : str Name of the dataset containing the phase ID (cell-wise or grain-wise). Defaults to 'Phases'. Euler_angles : str Name of the dataset containing the crystallographic orientation as Euler angles in radians (cell-wise or grain-wise). Defaults to 'EulerAngles'. phase_names : str Name of the dataset containing the phase names. Phases will get numeric IDs if this dataset is not found. Defaults to 'PhaseName'. base_group : str Path to the group (folder) that contains geometry (_SIMPL_GEOMETRY), and grain- or cell-wise data. Defaults to None, in which case it is set as the path that contains _SIMPL_GEOMETRY/SPACING. Returns ------- loaded : damask.ConfigMaterial Material configuration from file. Notes ----- A grain-wise material configuration is based on segmented data from the DREAM.3D file. This data is typically available when the microstructure was synthetically created. In cell-wise representations, cells having the same orientation and phase are grouped. Since synthetically created microstructures have typically no in-grain scatter, cell-wise grids can appear to be segmented. damask.GeomGrid.load_DREAM3D creates the corresponding grid-based geometry definition. Since the numbering of materials in cell-wise and grain-wise grids is different, it is imperative to use the same mode for both load_DREAM3D functions. That means, if the "grain_data" argument is used for this function, the correct grid configuration is only obtained if the "feature_IDs" argument is used when calling damask.GeomGrid.load_DREAM3D. Homogenization and phase entries are emtpy and need to be defined separately. """ with h5py.File(fname, 'r') as f: b = util.DREAM3D_base_group(f) if base_group is None else base_group c = util.DREAM3D_cell_data_group(f) if cell_data is None else cell_data if grain_data is None: phase = f['/'.join([b,c,phases])][()].flatten() O = Rotation.from_Euler_angles(f['/'.join([b,c,Euler_angles])]).as_quaternion().reshape(-1,4) # noqa _,idx = np.unique(np.hstack([O,phase.reshape(-1,1)]),return_index=True,axis=0) idx = np.sort(idx) else: phase = f['/'.join([b,grain_data,phases])][()] O = Rotation.from_Euler_angles(f['/'.join([b,grain_data,Euler_angles])]).as_quaternion() # noqa idx = np.arange(phase.size) if cell_ensemble_data is not None and phase_names is not None: try: names = np.array([s.decode() for s in f['/'.join([b,cell_ensemble_data,phase_names])]]) phase = names[phase] except KeyError: pass base_config = ConfigMaterial({'phase':{k if isinstance(k,int) else str(k): None for k in np.unique(phase)}, 'homogenization':{'direct':{'N_constituents':1}}}) constituent = {k:np.atleast_1d(v[idx].squeeze()) for k,v in zip(['O','phase'],[O,phase])} return base_config.material_add(**constituent,homogenization='direct')
[docs] @staticmethod def from_table(table: Table,*, homogenization: Optional[Union[str,StrSequence]] = None, phase: Optional[Union[str,StrSequence]] = None, v: Optional[Union[str,FloatSequence]] = None, O: Optional[Union[str,FloatSequence]] = None, V_e: Optional[Union[str,FloatSequence]] = None) -> 'ConfigMaterial': """ Generate from an ASCII table. Parameters ---------- table : damask.Table Table that contains material information. homogenization: (array-like) of str, optional Homogenization label. phase: (array-like) of str, optional Phase label (per constituent). v: (array-like) of float or str, optional Constituent volume fraction (per constituent). Defaults to 1/N_constituent. O: (array-like) of damask.Rotation or np.array/list of shape (4) or str, optional Orientation as unit quaternion (per constituent). V_e: (array-like) of np.array/list of shape (3,3) or str, optional Left elastic stretch (per constituent). Returns ------- new : damask.ConfigMaterial Material configuration from values in table. Notes ----- If the value of an argument is a string that is a column label, data from the table is used to fill the corresponding entry in the material configuration. Otherwise, the value is used directly. First index of array-like values that are defined per constituent runs over materials, whereas second index runs over constituents. Examples -------- >>> import damask >>> from damask import ConfigMaterial as cm >>> t = damask.Table.load('small.txt') >>> t 3:pos pos pos 4:qu qu qu qu phase homog 0 0 0 0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aluminum SX 1 1 0 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 Steel SX 2 1 1 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 Steel SX >>> cm.from_table(t,O='qu',phase='phase',homogenization='homog') homogenization: {SX: null} phase: {Aluminum: null, Steel: null} material: - constituents: - phase: Aluminum O: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] v: 1.0 homogenization: SX - constituents: - phase: Steel O: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] v: 1.0 homogenization: SX >>> cm.from_table(t,O='qu',phase='phase',homogenization='single_crystal') homogenization: {single_crystal: null} phase: {Aluminum: null, Steel: null} material: - constituents: - phase: Aluminum O: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] v: 1.0 homogenization: single_crystal - constituents: - phase: Steel O: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] v: 1.0 homogenization: single_crystal """ kwargs = {} for arg,val in zip(['homogenization','phase','v','O','V_e'],[homogenization,phase,v,O,V_e]): if val is not None: kwargs[arg] = table.get(val) if val in table.labels else np.atleast_2d([val]*len(table)).T # type: ignore _,idx = np.unique(np.hstack(list(kwargs.values())),return_index=True,axis=0) idx = np.sort(idx) kwargs = {k:np.atleast_1d(v[idx].squeeze()) for k,v in kwargs.items()} return ConfigMaterial().material_add(**kwargs)
@property def is_complete(self) -> bool: """ Check for completeness. Only the general file layout is considered. This check does not consider whether specific parameters for a particular phase/homogenization model are missing. Returns ------- complete : bool Whether the material.yaml definition is complete. """ def LabeledList(label,items): return f'{label.capitalize()}{"s" if len(items)>1 else ""} {util.srepr(items,",",quote=True)}' ok = True msg = [] all = set(['homogenization','phase','material']) miss = set([item for item in all if item not in self]) empty = set([item for item in all-miss if self[item] is None]) if miss: msg.append(f'{LabeledList("top-level",miss)} missing') ok = False if empty: msg.append(f'{LabeledList("top-level",empty)} empty') if ok: ok &= len(self['material']) > 0 if len(self['material']) < 1: msg.append('No materials defined') homogenization = set() phase = set() for i,v in enumerate(self['material']): if 'homogenization' in v: homogenization.add(v['homogenization']) else: msg.append(f'No homogenization specified for material {i}') ok = False if 'constituents' in v: for ii,vv in enumerate(v['constituents']): if 'O' not in vv: msg.append(f'No orientation specified for constituent {ii} of material {i}') ok = False if 'phase' in vv: phase.add(vv['phase']) else: msg.append(f'No phase specified for constituent {ii} of material {i}') ok = False for v,other in {'phase':phase, 'homogenization':homogenization}.items(): me = set([] if v in empty else self[v]) if _miss := other - me: msg.append(f'{LabeledList(v,_miss)} missing') ok = False if len(_empty := [item for item in me if self[v][item] is None]) > 0: msg.append(f'{LabeledList(v,_empty)} undefined') ok = False return ok @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: """ Check for valid content. Only the generic file content is considered. This check does not consider whether parameters for a particular phase/homogenization mode are out of bounds. Returns ------- valid : bool Whether the material.yaml definition is valid. """ ok = True if 'phase' in self: for k,v in self['phase'].items(): if v is not None and 'lattice' in v: try: Orientation(lattice=v['lattice']) except KeyError: logger.warning(f"Invalid lattice '{v['lattice']}' in phase '{k}'") ok = False if 'material' in self: for i,m in enumerate(self['material']): if 'constituents' in m: v = 0.0 for c in m['constituents']: v += float(c['v']) if 'O' in c: try: Rotation.from_quaternion(c['O']) except ValueError: logger.warning(f"Invalid orientation '{c['O']}' in material '{i}'") ok = False if not np.isclose(v,1.0): logger.warning(f"Total fraction v = {v} ≠ 1 in material '{i}'") ok = False return ok
[docs] def material_rename_phase(self, mapping: Dict[str, str], ID: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, constituent: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> 'ConfigMaterial': """ Change phase name in material. Parameters ---------- mapping: dict Mapping from old name to new name ID: list of ints, optional Limit renaming to selected material IDs. constituent: list of ints, optional Limit renaming to selected constituents. Returns ------- updated : damask.ConfigMaterial Updated material configuration. """ dup = self.copy() for i,m in enumerate(dup['material']): if ID is not None and i not in ID: continue for c in m['constituents']: if constituent is not None and c not in constituent: continue try: c['phase'] = mapping[c['phase']] except KeyError: continue return dup
[docs] def material_rename_homogenization(self, mapping: Dict[str, str], ID: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> 'ConfigMaterial': """ Change homogenization name in material. Parameters ---------- mapping: dict Mapping from old name to new name ID: list of ints, optional Limit renaming to selected homogenization IDs. Returns ------- updated : damask.ConfigMaterial Updated material configuration. """ dup = self.copy() for i,m in enumerate(dup['material']): if ID is not None and i not in ID: continue try: m['homogenization'] = mapping[m['homogenization']] except KeyError: continue return dup
[docs] def material_add(self,*, homogenization: Optional[Union[str,StrSequence]] = None, phase: Optional[Union[str,StrSequence]] = None, v: Optional[Union[float,FloatSequence]] = None, O: Optional[Union[float,FloatSequence]] = None, V_e: Optional[Union[float,FloatSequence]] = None) -> 'ConfigMaterial': """ Add material entries. Parameters ---------- homogenization: (array-like) of str, optional Homogenization label. phase: (array-like) of str, optional Phase label (per constituent). v: (array-like) of float, optional Constituent volume fraction (per constituent). Defaults to 1/N_constituent. O: (array-like) of damask.Rotation or np.array/list of shape (4), optional Orientation as unit quaternion (per constituent). V_e: (array-like) of np.array/list of shape (3,3), optional Left elastic stretch (per constituent). Returns ------- updated : damask.ConfigMaterial Updated material configuration. Notes ----- First index of array-like values that are defined per constituent runs over materials, whereas second index runs over constituents. Examples -------- Create two grains of ferrite and one grain of martensite, each with random orientation: >>> import damask >>> m = damask.ConfigMaterial() >>> m = m.material_add(phase = ['Ferrite','Martensite','Ferrite'], ... O = damask.Rotation.from_random(3,rng_seed=20191102), ... homogenization = 'SX') >>> m homogenization: {SX: null} phase: {Ferrite: null, Martensite: null} material: - constituents: - phase: Ferrite O: [0.0047, -0.9582, 0.1084, 0.2645] v: 1.0 homogenization: SX - constituents: - phase: Martensite O: [0.9147, -0.1907, 0.2901, -0.2068] v: 1.0 homogenization: SX - constituents: - phase: Ferrite O: [0.1068, -0.4427, 0.1369, 0.8797] v: 1.0 homogenization: SX Create five materials that each approximate a duplex stainless steel microstructure with three austenite and one relatively bigger ferrite grain of random orientation each: >>> import numpy as np >>> import damask >>> m = damask.ConfigMaterial() >>> N_materials = 5 >>> m = m.material_add(phase = np.array([['Austenite']*3+['Ferrite']]), ... O = damask.Rotation.from_random((N_materials,4),rng_seed=20191102), ... v = np.array([[0.2]*3+[0.4]]), ... homogenization = 'Taylor') >>> m homogenization: {Taylor: null} phase: {Austenite: null, Ferrite: null} material: - constituents: - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.004702411137213036, -0.9582446864633862, 0.1084379916089085, 0.2645490694937509] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.9147097460704486, -0.19068436891182194, 0.29014401444532145, -0.20678975501215882] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.10677819003833185, -0.4427133706883004, 0.13690394495734726, 0.879693468999888] - phase: Ferrite v: 0.4 O: [0.8664338002923555, 0.04448357787828491, -0.4945927532088464, 0.05188149461403649] homogenization: Taylor - constituents: - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.5621873738314133, 0.0028841916095125584, -0.817023371343172, -0.1281009321680984] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.1566777437467901, -0.8117282158019414, 0.5096142534839398, 0.23841707348975383] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.3559036203819333, 0.1946923701552408, 0.058744995087853975, -0.9121274689178566] - phase: Ferrite v: 0.4 O: [0.467387781713959, -0.35644325887489176, 0.8031986430613528, 0.09679258489963502] homogenization: Taylor - constituents: - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.4399087544327661, 0.12802483830067418, -0.8257167208737983, 0.32906203886337354] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.12410381094181624, -0.5125024631828828, -0.8493860709598213, 0.021972068647108236] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.03909373022192218, 0.4596226773046959, 0.42809626138739537, 0.7771436583738773] - phase: Ferrite v: 0.4 O: [0.737821660605232, 0.38809925187040367, -0.012129167758963711, 0.5521331824196455] homogenization: Taylor - constituents: - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.4924738838478857, -0.0534798919571679, -0.6570981342247908, 0.5681825559468784] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.13073521303792138, 0.2534173177988532, -0.9582490914178947, -0.021133998872519554] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.1633346595899539, 0.6775968809652247, -0.07127256805012916, -0.71351557581203] - phase: Ferrite v: 0.4 O: [0.7658044627436773, -0.5327872540278646, 0.1102330397070761, 0.34282640467772235] homogenization: Taylor - constituents: - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.25814496892598815, -0.6159961898524933, -0.5080223627084379, 0.543896265930874] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.8497433829153472, 0.4264182767672584, 0.05570674517418605, -0.3049596612218108] - phase: Austenite v: 0.2 O: [0.5146112784760113, 0.529467219604771, 0.661078636611197, 0.13347183839881469] - phase: Ferrite v: 0.4 O: [0.18430893147208752, 0.012407731059331692, -0.5551804816056372, -0.8109567798802285] homogenization: Taylor """ dim = {'O':(4,),'V_e':(3,3,)} ex = dict((keyword, -len(val)) for keyword,val in dim.items()) N_materials,N_constituents = 1,1 shape = {} for arg,val in zip(['homogenization','phase','v','O','V_e'],[homogenization,phase,v,O,V_e]): if val is None: continue shape[arg] = np.array(val) s = shape[arg].shape[:ex.get(arg,None)] # type: ignore N_materials = max(N_materials,s[0]) if len(s)>0 else N_materials N_constituents = max(N_constituents,s[1]) if len(s)>1 else N_constituents shape['v'] = np.array(shape.get('v',1./N_constituents),float) mat: Sequence[dict] = [{'constituents':[{} for _ in range(N_constituents)]} for _ in range(N_materials)] for k,v in shape.items(): target = (N_materials,N_constituents) + dim.get(k,()) broadcasted = np.broadcast_to(np.array(v).reshape(util.shapeshifter(np.array(v).shape,target,'right')),target) if k == 'v': if np.min(broadcasted) < 0 or np.max(broadcasted) > 1: raise ValueError('volume fraction "v" out of range') if len(np.atleast_1d(broadcasted)) > 1: total = np.sum(broadcasted,axis=-1) if np.min(total) < 0 or np.max(total) > 1: raise ValueError('volume fraction "v" out of range') if k == 'O' and not np.allclose(1.0,np.linalg.norm(broadcasted,axis=-1)): raise ValueError('orientation "O" is not a unit quaterion') elif k == 'V_e' and not np.allclose(broadcasted,tensor.symmetric(broadcasted)): raise ValueError('elastic stretch "V_e" is not symmetric') for i in range(N_materials): if k == 'homogenization': mat[i][k] = broadcasted[i,0] else: for j in range(N_constituents): mat[i]['constituents'][j][k] = broadcasted[i,j] dup = self.copy() dup['material'] = dup['material'] + mat if 'material' in dup else mat for what in [item for item in ['phase','homogenization'] if item in shape]: for k in np.unique(shape[what]): # type: ignore if k not in dup[what]: dup[what][str(k)] = None return dup