Source code for damask._orientation

import copy
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union, TypeVar, Literal, Sequence, NamedTuple, overload

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from ._typehints import FloatSequence, IntSequence, CrystalFamily, BravaisLattice, NumpyRngSeed
from . import Rotation
from . import Crystal
from . import util
from . import tensor

MyType = TypeVar('MyType', bound='Orientation')

class DisorientationTuple(NamedTuple):
    disorientation: 'Orientation'
    operators: np.ndarray

class AverageTuple(NamedTuple):
    average: 'Orientation'
    cloud: 'Orientation'

class ToSSTTuple(NamedTuple):
    vector_sst: np.ndarray
    operator: np.ndarray

[docs] class Orientation(Rotation,Crystal): """ Representation of crystallographic orientation as combination of rotation and either crystal family or Bravais lattice. The crystal family is one of: - triclinic - monoclinic - orthorhombic - tetragonal - hexagonal - cubic and enables symmetry-related operations such as "equivalent", "reduced", "disorientation", "IPF_color", or "to_SST". The Bravais lattice is given in the Pearson notation: - triclinic - aP : primitive - monoclinic - mP : primitive - mS : base-centered - orthorhombic - oP : primitive - oS : base-centered - oI : body-centered - oF : face-centered - tetragonal - tP : primitive - tI : body-centered - hexagonal - hP : primitive - cubic - cP : primitive - cI : body-centered - cF : face-centered and inherits the corresponding crystal family. Specifying a Bravais lattice, compared to just the crystal family, extends the functionality of Orientation objects to include operations such as "Schmid", "related", or "to_frame" that require a lattice type and its parameters. Examples -------- An array of 3 x 5 random orientations reduced to the fundamental zone of tetragonal symmetry: >>> import damask >>> o=damask.Orientation.from_random(shape=(3,5),family='tetragonal').reduced """ def __init__(self, rotation: Union[FloatSequence, Rotation] = np.array([1.,0.,0.,0.]), *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False): """ New orientation. Parameters ---------- rotation : list, numpy.ndarray, or Rotation, optional Unit quaternion in positive real hemisphere. Use .from_quaternion to perform a sanity check. Defaults to no rotation. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. """ Rotation.__init__(self,rotation) Crystal.__init__(self, family=family, lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Return repr(self). Give short, human-readable summary. """ return util.srepr([Crystal.__repr__(self), Rotation.__repr__(self)]) def __copy__(self: MyType, rotation: Union[None, FloatSequence, Rotation] = None) -> MyType: """ Return deepcopy(self). Create deep copy. """ dup = copy.deepcopy(self) if rotation is not None: dup.quaternion = Rotation(rotation).quaternion return dup copy = __copy__ def __eq__(self, # type: ignore[override] other: object) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]: """ Return self==other. Test equality of other. Parameters ---------- other : Orientation Orientation to check for equality. """ if not isinstance(other, Orientation): return NotImplemented matching_type = == and \ self.lattice == other.lattice and \ self.parameters == other.parameters return np.logical_and(matching_type,super(self.__class__,self.reduced).__eq__(other.reduced)) def __ne__(self, # type: ignore[override] other: object) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]: """ Return self!=other. Test inequality of other. Parameters ---------- other : Orientation Orientation to check for equality. """ return np.logical_not(self==other)
[docs] def isclose(self: MyType, other: MyType, rtol: float = 1e-5, atol: float = 1e-8, equal_nan: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """ Report where values are approximately equal to corresponding ones of other Orientation. Parameters ---------- other : Orientation Orientation to compare against. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance of equality. atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance of equality. equal_nan : bool, optional Consider matching NaN values as equal. Defaults to True. Returns ------- mask : numpy.ndarray of bool, shape (self.shape) Mask indicating where corresponding orientations are close. """ matching_type = == and \ self.lattice == other.lattice and \ self.parameters == other.parameters return np.logical_and(matching_type,super(self.__class__,self.reduced).isclose(other.reduced))
[docs] def allclose(self: MyType, other: MyType, rtol: float = 1e-5, atol: float = 1e-8, equal_nan: bool = True) -> np.bool_: """ Test whether all values are approximately equal to corresponding ones of other Orientation. Parameters ---------- other : Orientation Orientation to compare against. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance of equality. atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance of equality. equal_nan : bool, optional Consider matching NaN values as equal. Defaults to True. Returns ------- answer : bool Whether all values are close between both orientations. """ return np.all(self.isclose(other,rtol,atol,equal_nan))
def __mul__(self: MyType, other: Union[Rotation, 'Orientation']) -> MyType: """ Return self*other. Compose with other. Parameters ---------- other : Rotation or Orientation, shape (self.shape) Object for composition. Returns ------- composition : Orientation Compound rotation self*other, i.e. first other then self rotation. """ if not isinstance(other, (Orientation,Rotation)): raise TypeError('use "O@b", i.e. matmul, to apply Orientation "O" to object "b"') return self.copy(Rotation(self.quaternion)*Rotation(other.quaternion))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_quaternion(q: Union[Sequence[FloatSequence], np.ndarray], accept_homomorph: bool = False, normalize: bool = False, P: Literal[1, -1] = -1, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from quaternion. Parameters ---------- q : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,4) Unit quaternion (q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3) in positive real hemisphere, i.e. ǀqǀ = 1 and q_0 ≥ 0. accept_homomorph : bool, optional Allow homomorphic variants, i.e. q_0 < 0 (negative real hemisphere). Defaults to False. normalize: bool, optional Allow ǀqǀ ≠ 1. Defaults to False. P : int ∈ {-1,1}, optional Sign convention. Defaults to -1. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_quaternion(q,accept_homomorph,normalize,P), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_Euler_angles(phi: np.ndarray, degrees: bool = False, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, ) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from Bunge Euler angles. Parameters ---------- phi : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Euler angles (φ_1 ∈ [0,2π], ϕ ∈ [0,π], φ_2 ∈ [0,2π]) or (φ_1 ∈ [0,360], ϕ ∈ [0,180], φ_2 ∈ [0,360]) if degrees == True. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation Notes ----- Bunge Euler angles correspond to a rotation axis sequence of z–x'–z''. """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_Euler_angles(phi,degrees), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_axis_angle(n_omega: np.ndarray, degrees: bool = False, normalize: bool = False, P: Literal[1, -1] = -1, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, ) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from axis–angle pair. Parameters ---------- n_omega : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,4) Axis and angle (n_1, n_2, n_3, ω) with ǀnǀ = 1 and ω ∈ [0,π] or ω ∈ [0,180] if degrees == True. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. normalize: bool, optional Allow ǀnǀ ≠ 1. Defaults to False. P : int ∈ {-1,1}, optional Sign convention. Defaults to -1. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_axis_angle(n_omega,degrees,normalize,P), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_basis(basis: np.ndarray, orthonormal: bool = True, reciprocal: bool = False, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from basis vector triplet. Parameters ---------- basis : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3,3) Three three-dimensional basis vectors. orthonormal : bool, optional Basis is strictly orthonormal, i.e. is free of stretch components. Defaults to True. reciprocal : bool, optional Basis vectors are given in reciprocal (instead of real) space. Defaults to False. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_basis(basis,orthonormal,reciprocal), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_matrix(R: np.ndarray, normalize: bool = False, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from rotation matrix. Parameters ---------- R : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3,3) Rotation matrix with det(R) = 1 and R.T ∙ R = I. normalize : bool, optional Rescales rotation matrix to unit determinant. Defaults to False. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_matrix(R,normalize), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_parallel(source: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray, active: bool = False, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from pairs of two orthogonal basis vectors. Parameters ---------- source : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,2,3) First and second three-dimensional vector of orthogonal source basis. target : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,2,3) Corresponding three-dimensional vectors of target basis. active : bool, optional Consider rotations as active, i.e. return (B^-1⋅A) instead of (B⋅A^-1). Defaults to False. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation Notes ----- If rotations $A = [s_1,s_2,s_1 × s_2]^T$ and B = $[t_1,t_2,t_1 × t_2]^T$ are considered "active", the resulting rotation will be $B^{-1}⋅A$ instead of the default result $B⋅A^{-1}$. """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_parallel(source,target,active), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_Rodrigues_vector(rho: np.ndarray, normalize: bool = False, P: Literal[1, -1] = -1, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from Rodrigues–Frank vector (with angle separated from axis). Parameters ---------- rho : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,4) Rodrigues–Frank vector (n_1, n_2, n_3, tan(ω/2)) with ǀnǀ = 1 and ω ∈ [0,π]. normalize : bool, optional Allow ǀnǀ ≠ 1. Defaults to False. P : int ∈ {-1,1}, optional Sign convention. Defaults to -1. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_Rodrigues_vector(rho,normalize,P), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_homochoric(h: np.ndarray, P: Literal[1, -1] = -1, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from homochoric vector. Parameters ---------- h : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Homochoric vector (h_1, h_2, h_3) with ǀhǀ < (3π/4)^(1/3). P : int ∈ {-1,1}, optional Sign convention. Defaults to -1. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_homochoric(h,P), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_cubochoric(x: np.ndarray, P: Literal[1, -1] = -1, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize from cubochoric vector. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Cubochoric vector (x_1, x_2, x_3) with max(x_i) < 1/2 π^(2/3). P : int ∈ {-1,1}, optional Sign convention. Defaults to -1. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_cubochoric(x,P), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_random(shape: Union[None, int, IntSequence] = None, rng_seed: Optional[NumpyRngSeed] = None, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize with samples from a uniform distribution. Parameters ---------- shape : (sequence of) int, optional Output shape. Defaults to None, which gives a scalar. rng_seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator}, optional A seed to initialize the BitGenerator. Defaults to None, i.e. unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_random(shape,rng_seed), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_ODF(weights: np.ndarray, phi: np.ndarray, shape: Union[None, int, IntSequence] = None, degrees: bool = False, fractions: bool = True, rng_seed: Optional[NumpyRngSeed] = None, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, ) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize with samples from a binned orientation distribution function (ODF). Parameters ---------- weights : numpy.ndarray, shape (n) Texture intensity values (probability density or volume fraction) at Euler space grid points. phi : numpy.ndarray, shape (n,3) Grid coordinates in Euler space at which weights are defined. shape : (sequence of) int, optional Output shape. Defaults to None, which gives a scalar. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to True. fractions : bool, optional ODF values correspond to volume fractions, not probability densities. Defaults to True. rng_seed: {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator}, optional A seed to initialize the BitGenerator. Defaults to None, i.e. unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation Notes ----- Due to the distortion of Euler space in the vicinity of ϕ = 0, probability densities, p, defined on grid points with ϕ = 0 will never result in reconstructed orientations as their dV/V = p dγ = p × 0. Hence, it is recommended to transform any such dataset to a cell-centered version, which avoids grid points at ϕ = 0. References ---------- P. Eisenlohr and F. Roters, Computational Materials Science 42(4):670-678, 2008 """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_ODF(weights,phi,shape,degrees,fractions,rng_seed), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_spherical_component(center: Union[Rotation,'Orientation'], sigma: float, shape: Union[None, int, IntSequence] = None, degrees: bool = False, rng_seed: Optional[NumpyRngSeed] = None, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, ) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize with samples from a Gaussian distribution around a given center. Parameters ---------- center : Rotation or Orientation Central rotation. sigma : float Standard deviation of (Gaussian) misorientation distribution. shape : (sequence of) int, optional Output shape. Defaults to None, which gives a scalar. degrees : bool, optional sigma is given in degrees. Defaults to False. rng_seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator}, optional A seed to initialize the BitGenerator. Defaults to None, i.e. unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_spherical_component(center,sigma,shape,degrees,rng_seed), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_fiber_component(crystal: IntSequence, sample: IntSequence, sigma: float = 0., shape: Union[None, int, IntSequence] = None, degrees: bool = False, rng_seed: Optional[NumpyRngSeed] = None, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, ) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize with samples from a Gaussian distribution around a given direction. Parameters ---------- crystal : numpy.ndarray, shape (2) Polar coordinates (polar angle θ from [0 0 1], azimuthal angle φ from [1 0 0]) of fiber direction in crystal frame. sample : numpy.ndarray, shape (2) Polar coordinates (polar angle θ from z, azimuthal angle φ from x) of fiber direction in sample frame. sigma : float, optional Standard deviation of (Gaussian) misorientation distribution. Defaults to 0. shape : (sequence of) int, optional Output shape. Defaults to None, which gives a scalar. degrees : bool, optional Angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False. rng_seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator}, optional A seed to initialize the BitGenerator. Defaults to None, i.e. unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation Notes ----- The crystal direction for (θ=0,φ=0) is [0 0 1]; the sample direction for (θ=0,φ=0) is z. Polar coordinates follow the ISO 80000-2:2019 convention typically used in physics. See Ranges 0≤θ≤π and 0≤φ≤2π give a unique set of coordinates. """ return Orientation(Rotation.from_fiber_component(crystal,sample,sigma,shape,degrees,rng_seed), family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_directions(uvw: IntSequence, hkl: IntSequence, *, family: Optional[CrystalFamily] = None, lattice: Optional[BravaisLattice] = None, a: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, c: Optional[float] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, beta: Optional[float] = None, gamma: Optional[float] = None, degrees: bool = False) -> 'Orientation': """ Initialize orientation object from the crystallographic direction and plane parallel to lab x and z, respectively. Parameters ---------- uvw : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Lattice direction as Miller indices aligned with lab frame x-direction. hkl : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Lattice plane normal as Miller indices aligned with lab frame z-direction. family : {'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic'}, optional. Name of the crystal family. Will be inferred if 'lattice' is given. lattice : {'aP', 'mP', 'mS', 'oP', 'oS', 'oI', 'oF', 'tP', 'tI', 'hP', 'cP', 'cI', 'cF'}, optional. Name of the Bravais lattice in Pearson notation. a : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'a'. b : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'b'. c : float, optional Length of lattice parameter 'c'. alpha : float, optional Angle between b and c lattice basis. beta : float, optional Angle between c and a lattice basis. gamma : float, optional Angle between a and b lattice basis. Returns ------- new : damask.Orientation """ o = Orientation(rotation=[1,0,0,0], family=family,lattice=lattice, a=a,b=b,c=c, alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, degrees=degrees) x = o.to_frame(uvw=uvw) z = o.to_frame(hkl=hkl) om = np.stack([x,np.cross(z,x),z],axis=-2) return o.copy(Rotation.from_matrix(tensor.transpose(om/np.linalg.norm(om,axis=-1,keepdims=True))))
@property def equivalent(self: MyType) -> MyType: """ Orientations that are symmetrically equivalent. One dimension (length corresponds to number of symmetrically equivalent orientations) is added to the left of the Rotation array. """ sym_ops = self.symmetry_operations o = sym_ops.broadcast_to(sym_ops.shape+self.shape,mode='right') return self.copy(o*Rotation(self.quaternion).broadcast_to(o.shape,mode='left')) @property def reduced(self: MyType) -> MyType: """Select symmetrically equivalent orientation that falls into fundamental zone according to symmetry.""" eq = self.equivalent ok = eq.in_FZ ok &= np.cumsum(ok,axis=0) == 1 loc = np.where(ok) sort = 0 if len(loc) == 1 else np.lexsort(loc[:0:-1]) return eq[ok][sort].reshape(self.shape) @property def in_FZ(self) -> Union[np.bool_, np.ndarray]: """ Check whether orientation falls into fundamental zone of own symmetry. Returns ------- in : numpy.ndarray of bool, shape (self.shape) Whether Rodrigues-Frank vector falls into fundamental zone. Notes ----- Fundamental zones in Rodrigues space are point-symmetric around origin. References ---------- A. Heinz and P. Neumann, Acta Crystallographica Section A 47:780-789, 1991 """ rho_abs = np.abs(self.as_Rodrigues_vector(compact=True))*(1.-1.e-9) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # using '*'/prod for 'and' if == 'cubic': return ( >= rho_abs,axis=-1) * (1. >= np.sum(rho_abs,axis=-1))).astype(bool) if == 'hexagonal': return ( >= rho_abs,axis=-1) * (2. >= np.sqrt(3)*rho_abs[...,0] + rho_abs[...,1]) * (2. >= np.sqrt(3)*rho_abs[...,1] + rho_abs[...,0]) * (2. >= np.sqrt(3) + rho_abs[...,2])).astype(bool) if == 'tetragonal': return ( >= rho_abs[...,:2],axis=-1) * (np.sqrt(2) >= rho_abs[...,0] + rho_abs[...,1]) * (np.sqrt(2) >= rho_abs[...,2] + 1.)).astype(bool) if == 'orthorhombic': return ( >= rho_abs,axis=-1)).astype(bool) if == 'monoclinic': return np.logical_or( 1. >= rho_abs[...,1], np.isnan(rho_abs[...,1])) if == 'triclinic': return np.ones(rho_abs.shape[:-1]).astype(bool) raise TypeError(f'unknown symmetry "{}"') @property def in_disorientation_FZ(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Check whether orientation falls into fundamental zone of disorientations. Returns ------- in : numpy.ndarray of bool, shape (self.shape) Whether Rodrigues-Frank vector falls into disorientation FZ. References ---------- A. Heinz and P. Neumann, Acta Crystallographica Section A 47:780-789, 1991 """ def larger_or_equal(v,c): return ((np.isclose(c[0],v[...,0]) | (v[...,0] > c[0])) & (np.isclose(c[1],v[...,1]) | (v[...,1] > c[1])) & (np.isclose(c[2],v[...,2]) | (v[...,2] > c[2]))).astype(bool) rho = self.as_Rodrigues_vector(compact=True) return larger_or_equal(rho, [rho[...,1], rho[...,2],0] if == 'cubic' else [rho[...,1]*np.sqrt(3),0, 0] if == 'hexagonal' else [rho[...,1], 0, 0] if == 'tetragonal' else [0, 0, 0] if == 'orthorhombic' else [-np.inf, 0, 0] if == 'monoclinic' else [-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]) & self.in_FZ
[docs] def disorientation(self: MyType, other: MyType, return_operators: bool = False) -> Union[MyType, DisorientationTuple]: """ Calculate disorientation between self and given other orientation. Parameters ---------- other : Orientation Orientation to which the disorientation is computed. Compatible innermost dimensions will blend. return_operators : bool, optional Return index pair of symmetrically equivalent orientations that result in misorientation falling into disorientation FZ. Defaults to False. Returns ------- disorientation : Orientation Disorientation between self and other. operators : numpy.ndarray of int, shape (...,2), conditional Index pair of symmetrically equivalent orientations that result in misorientation falling into disorientation FZ. Notes ----- Requires same crystal family for both orientations. Examples -------- Disorientation between two specific orientations of hexagonal symmetry: >>> import damask >>> a = damask.Orientation.from_Euler_angles(phi=[123,32,21],degrees=True,family='hexagonal') >>> b = damask.Orientation.from_Euler_angles(phi=[104,11,87],degrees=True,family='hexagonal') >>> a.disorientation(b) Crystal family: hexagonal Quaternion [0.976 0.189 0.018 0.103] Plot a sample from the Mackenzie distribution. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import damask >>> N = 10000 >>> a = damask.Orientation.from_random(shape=N,family='cubic') >>> b = damask.Orientation.from_random(shape=N,family='cubic') >>> n,omega = a.disorientation(b).as_axis_angle(degrees=True,pair=True) >>> plt.hist(omega,25) [...] >>> """ # For extension to cases with differing symmetry see # and if != raise NotImplementedError('disorientation between different crystal families') blend = util.shapeblender( self.shape,other.shape) s_m = util.shapeshifter( self.shape,blend,mode='right') s_o = util.shapeshifter(other.shape,blend,mode='left') s = self.broadcast_to(s_m).equivalent o = other.broadcast_to(s_o).equivalent r_ = s[:,np.newaxis,...].misorientation(o[np.newaxis,:,...]) # type: ignore[index] _r = ~r_ shp = r_.shape[2:] forward = r_.in_disorientation_FZ reverse = _r.in_disorientation_FZ ok = forward | reverse ok &= (np.cumsum(ok.reshape((-1,*shp)),axis=0) == 1).reshape(ok.shape) r = np.where(np.any((ok&forward)[...,np.newaxis],axis=(0,1),keepdims=True), r_.quaternion, _r.quaternion) loc = np.where(ok) sort = 0 if len(loc) == 2 else np.lexsort(loc[:1:-1]) quat = r[ok][sort].reshape((*shp,4)) if return_operators: operators = (np.vstack(loc[:2]).T)[sort].reshape((*shp, 2)) return DisorientationTuple(self.copy(rotation=quat), operators) else: return self.copy(rotation=quat)
[docs] def disorientation_angle(self: MyType, other: MyType) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate disorientation angle between self and given other orientation. Parameters ---------- other : Orientation Orientation to which the disorientation angle is computed. Compatible innermost dimensions will blend. Returns ------- omega : np.ndarray Disorientation angle. Notes ----- Requires same crystal family for both orientations. References ---------- Lionel Germain, personal communication. """ q_abs = np.abs((self*~other).quaternion) if 'triclinic' == == trace_max = q_abs[...,0:1] elif 'monoclinic' == == trace_max = np.maximum(q_abs[...,0:1], q_abs[...,2:3]) elif 'orthorhombic' == == trace_max = np.maximum.reduce([q_abs[...,0:1], q_abs[...,1:2], q_abs[...,2:3], q_abs[...,3:4]]) elif 'tetragonal' == == m1,m2,m3,m4 = np.split(q_abs,4,axis=-1) trace_max = np.maximum.reduce([m1,m2,m3,m4, (m1+m4)*np.sqrt(2.)/2., (m2+m3)*np.sqrt(2.)/2.]) elif 'hexagonal' == == m1,m2,m3,m4 = np.split(q_abs,4,axis=-1) mask = m1 < m4 m1[mask],m4[mask] = m4[mask],m1[mask] mask = m2 < m3 m2[mask],m3[mask] = m3[mask],m2[mask] trace_max = np.maximum.reduce([m1,m2, m1*np.sqrt(3.)/2.+m4*.5, m2*np.sqrt(3.)/2.+m3*.5]) elif 'cubic' == == m1,m2,m3,m4 = np.split(q_abs,4,axis=-1) trace_max = np.sum(q_abs,axis=-1,keepdims=True)*.5 mask = m1 < m2 m1[mask],m2[mask] = m2[mask],m1[mask] mask = m3 < m4 m3[mask],m4[mask] = m4[mask],m3[mask] mask1 = m1 > m3 mask2 = np.logical_and(mask1,m2<m3) mask3 = np.logical_not(mask1) m2[mask2] = m3[mask2] m2[mask3] = np.where(m4[mask3]<m1[mask3],m1[mask3],m4[mask3]) m1[mask3] = m3[mask3] trace_max = np.maximum.reduce([trace_max,m1,(m1+m2)*np.sqrt(2.)/2.]) else: return self.disorientation(other).as_axis_angle(pair=True)[1] # type: ignore return 2.*np.arccos(np.clip(trace_max[...,0].round(15),None,1.))
[docs] def average(self: MyType, # type: ignore[override] weights: Optional[FloatSequence] = None, return_cloud: bool = False) -> Union[MyType, AverageTuple]: """ Return orientation average over last dimension. Parameters ---------- weights : numpy.ndarray, shape (self.shape), optional Relative weights of orientations. Defaults to equal weights. return_cloud : bool, optional Return the specific (symmetrically equivalent) orientations that were averaged. Defaults to False. Returns ------- average : Orientation Weighted average of original Orientation field. cloud : Orientations, conditional Symmetrically equivalent version of each orientation that were actually used in averaging. References ---------- J.C. Glez and J. Driver, Journal of Applied Crystallography 34:280-288, 2001 """ eq = self.equivalent m = eq.misorientation_angle(self[...,0].reshape((1,)+self.shape[:-1]+(1,)) .broadcast_to(eq.shape)) r = Rotation(np.squeeze(np.take_along_axis(eq.quaternion, np.argmin(m,axis=0)[np.newaxis,...,np.newaxis], axis=0), axis=0)) if return_cloud: return AverageTuple(self.copy(Rotation(r).average(weights)),self.copy(Rotation(r))) else: return self.copy(Rotation(r).average(weights))
@overload def to_SST(self, vector: FloatSequence, proper: bool = False, return_operator: Literal[False] = False, return_operators: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: ... @overload def to_SST(self, vector: FloatSequence, proper: bool = False, return_operator: Literal[True] = True, return_operators: bool = False) -> ToSSTTuple: ...
[docs] def to_SST(self, vector: FloatSequence, proper: bool = False, return_operator: bool = False, return_operators: bool = False) -> Union[np.ndarray, ToSSTTuple]: """ Rotate lab frame vector to ensure it falls into (improper or proper) standard stereographic triangle of crystal symmetry. Parameters ---------- vector : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Lab frame vector to align with an SST crystal frame direction. Shape of vector blends with shape of own rotation array. For example, a rotation array of shape (3,2) and a vector array of shape (2,4) result in (3,2,4) outputs. proper : bool, optional Consider only vectors with z >= 0, hence combine two neighboring SSTs. Defaults to False. return_operator : bool, optional Return the index of the symmetrically equivalent orientation that rotated vector to SST. Defaults to False. Returns ------- vector_SST : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Rotated vector falling into SST. operator : numpy.ndarray of int, shape (...), conditional Index of the symmetrically equivalent orientation that rotated vector to SST. """ if return_operators: warnings.warn('"return_operators" is deprecated, use "return_operator".',DeprecationWarning,stacklevel=2) vector_ = np.array(vector,float) if vector_.shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError('input is not a field of three-dimensional vectors') blend = util.shapeblender(self.shape,vector_.shape[:-1]) eq = self.broadcast_to(util.shapeshifter(self.shape,blend,mode='right')).equivalent poles = np.atleast_2d(eq @ np.broadcast_to(vector_,(1,)+blend+(3,))) ok = self.in_SST(poles,proper=proper) ok &= np.cumsum(ok,axis=0) == 1 loc = np.where(ok) sort = 0 if len(loc) == 1 else np.lexsort(loc[:0:-1]) if return_operator: return ToSSTTuple(poles[ok][sort].reshape(blend+(3,)), (np.vstack(loc[:1]).T)[sort].reshape(blend)) else: return poles[ok][sort].reshape(blend+(3,))
[docs] def in_SST(self, vector: FloatSequence, proper: bool = False) -> Union[np.bool_, np.ndarray]: """ Check whether given crystal frame vector falls into standard stereographic triangle of own symmetry. Parameters ---------- vector : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Vector to check. proper : bool, optional Consider only vectors with z >= 0, hence combine two neighboring SSTs. Defaults to False. Returns ------- in : numpy.ndarray, shape (...) Whether vector falls into SST. """ vector_ = np.array(vector,float) if vector_.shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError('input is not a field of three-dimensional vectors') if self.standard_triangle is None: # direct exit for no symmetry return np.ones_like(vector_[...,0],bool) if proper: components_proper = np.around(np.einsum('...ji,...i', np.broadcast_to(self.standard_triangle['proper'], vector_.shape+(3,)), vector_), 12) components_improper = np.around(np.einsum('...ji,...i', np.broadcast_to(self.standard_triangle['improper'], vector_.shape+(3,)), vector_), 12) return np.all(components_proper >= 0.0,axis=-1) \ | np.all(components_improper >= 0.0,axis=-1) else: components = np.around(np.einsum('...ji,...i', np.broadcast_to(self.standard_triangle['improper'], vector_.shape+(3,)), np.block([vector_[...,:2],np.abs(vector_[...,2:3])])), 12) return np.all(components >= 0.0,axis=-1)
[docs] def IPF_color(self, vector: FloatSequence, in_SST: bool = True, proper: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Map lab frame vector to RGB color within standard stereographic triangle of own symmetry. Parameters ---------- vector : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Lab frame vector to colorize. Shape of vector blends with shape of own rotation array. For example, a rotation array of shape (3,2) and a vector array of shape (2,4) result in (3,2,4) outputs. in_SST : bool, optional Consider symmetrically equivalent orientations such that poles are located in SST. Defaults to True. proper : bool, optional Consider only vectors with z >= 0, hence combine two neighboring SSTs (with mirrored colors). Defaults to False. Returns ------- rgb : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) RGB array of IPF colors. Examples -------- Inverse pole figure color of the e_3 lab direction for a crystal in "Cube" orientation with cubic symmetry: >>> import damask >>> o = damask.Orientation(family='cubic') >>> o.IPF_color([0,0,1]) array([1., 0., 0.]) Sample standard triangle for hexagonal symmetry: >>> import damask >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> lab = [0,0,1] >>> o = damask.Orientation.from_random(shape=500000,family='hexagonal') >>> coord = damask.util.project_equal_area(o.to_SST(lab)) >>> color = o.IPF_color(lab) >>> plt.scatter(coord[:,0],coord[:,1],color=color,s=.06) [...] >>> plt.axis('scaled') [...] >>> """ if np.array(vector).shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError('input is not a field of three-dimensional vectors') vector_:np.ndarray = self.to_SST(vector,proper) if in_SST else \ self @ np.broadcast_to(vector,self.shape+(3,)) #type: ignore if self.standard_triangle is None: # direct exit for no symmetry return np.zeros_like(vector_) if proper: components_proper = np.around(np.einsum('...ji,...i', np.broadcast_to(self.standard_triangle['proper'], vector_.shape+(3,)), vector_), 12) components_improper = np.around(np.einsum('...ji,...i', np.broadcast_to(self.standard_triangle['improper'], vector_.shape+(3,)), vector_), 12) in_SST_ = np.logical_or(np.all(components_proper >= 0.0,axis=-1), np.all(components_improper >= 0.0,axis=-1)) components = np.where((np.logical_and(in_SST_,np.all(components_proper >= 0.0,axis=-1)))[...,np.newaxis], components_proper,components_improper) else: components = np.around(np.einsum('...ji,...i', np.broadcast_to(self.standard_triangle['improper'], vector_.shape+(3,)), np.block([vector_[...,:2],np.abs(vector_[...,2:3])])), 12) in_SST_ = np.all(components >= 0.0,axis=-1) #type: ignore with np.errstate(invalid='ignore',divide='ignore'): rgb = (components/np.linalg.norm(components,axis=-1,keepdims=True))**(1./3.) # smoothen color ramps rgb = np.clip(rgb,0.,1.) # clip intensity rgb /= np.max(rgb,axis=-1,keepdims=True) # normalize to (HS)V = 1 rgb[np.broadcast_to(~in_SST_[...,np.newaxis],rgb.shape)] = 0.0 return rgb
#################################################################################################### # functions that require lattice, not just family
[docs] def to_lattice(self, *, direction: Optional[FloatSequence] = None, plane: Optional[FloatSequence] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate lattice vector corresponding to lab frame direction or plane normal. Parameters ---------- direction|plane : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Real space vector along direction or reciprocal space vector along plane normal. Shape of vector blends with shape of own rotation array. For example, a rotation array of shape (3,2) and a vector array of shape (2,4) result in (3,2,4) outputs. Returns ------- Miller : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) Lattice vector of direction or plane. Use util.scale_to_coprime to convert to (integer) Miller indices. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import damask >>> cubic = damask.Orientation.from_axis_angle(n_omega=[1,0,0,90],degrees=True,lattice='cI') >>> cubic.to_lattice(direction=[1, 0, 0]) array([1., 0., 0.]) >>> cubic.to_lattice(direction=[0, 1, 0]) array([0., 0., -1.]) >>> cubic.to_lattice(direction=[0, 0, 1]) array([-0., 1., 0.]) >>> tetragonal = damask.Orientation(lattice='tI',c=0.5) >>> damask.util.scale_to_coprime(tetragonal.to_lattice(direction=[1,1,1])) array([1, 1, 2]) >>> damask.util.scale_to_coprime(tetragonal.to_lattice(plane=[1,1,1])) array([2, 2, 1]) """ if (direction is not None) ^ (plane is None): raise KeyError('specify either "direction" or "plane"') return (super().to_lattice(direction=self@np.asarray(direction)) if plane is None else super().to_lattice(plane=self@np.asarray(plane)))
[docs] def to_frame(self, *, uvw: Optional[IntSequence] = None, hkl: Optional[IntSequence] = None, uvtw: Optional[IntSequence] = None, hkil: Optional[IntSequence] = None, with_symmetry: bool = False, normalize: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate lab frame vector along lattice direction [uvw]/[uvtw] or plane normal (hkl)/(hkil). Parameters ---------- uvw|hkl|uvtw|hkil : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) or shape (...,4) Miller(–Bravais) indices of crystallographic direction or plane normal. Shape of vector blends with shape of own rotation array. For example, a rotation array of shape (3,2) and a vector array of shape (2,4) result in (3,2,4) outputs. with_symmetry : bool, optional Calculate all N symmetrically equivalent vectors. Defaults to False. normalize : bool, optional Normalize output vector. Defaults to True. Returns ------- vector : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3) or (N,...,3) Lab frame vector (or N vectors if with_symmetry) along [uvw]/[uvtw] direction or (hkl)/(hkil) plane normal. """ v = super().to_frame(uvw=uvw,hkl=hkl,uvtw=uvtw,hkil=hkil) s_v = v.shape[:-1] blend = util.shapeblender(self.shape,s_v) if normalize: v /= np.linalg.norm(v,axis=-1,keepdims=len(s_v)>0) if with_symmetry: sym_ops = self.symmetry_operations s_v += sym_ops.shape blend += sym_ops.shape v = sym_ops.broadcast_to(s_v) @ v[...,np.newaxis,:] return np.moveaxis(~(self.broadcast_to(blend)) @ np.broadcast_to(v,blend+(3,)), -2 if with_symmetry else 0, 0)
[docs] def Schmid(self, *, N_slip: Optional[Union[IntSequence, Literal['*']]] = None, N_twin: Optional[Union[IntSequence, Literal['*']]] = None) -> np.ndarray: u""" Calculate Schmid matrix P = d ⨂ n in the lab frame for selected deformation systems. Parameters ---------- N_slip|N_twin : '*' or sequence of int Number of deformation systems per family of the deformation system. Use '*' to select all. Returns ------- P : numpy.ndarray, shape (N,...,3,3) Schmid matrix for each of the N deformation systems. Examples -------- Schmid matrix (in lab frame) of first octahedral slip system of a face-centered cubic crystal in "Goss" orientation. >>> import numpy as np >>> import damask >>> O = damask.Orientation.from_Euler_angles(phi=[0,45,0],degrees=True,lattice='cF') >>> O.Schmid(N_slip=[12])[0] array([[ 0.000, 0.000, 0.000], [ 0.577, -0.000, 0.816], [ 0.000, 0.000, 0.000]]) """ if len(self.shape) == 0: return self @ super().Schmid(N_slip=N_slip, N_twin=N_twin) P = np.moveaxis(self @ super().Schmid(N_slip=N_slip, N_twin=N_twin),-3,0) return P.reshape((P.shape[0],)+self.shape+(3,3))
[docs] def related(self: MyType, model: str, target = None) -> MyType: """ All orientations related to self by given relationship model. Parameters ---------- model : str Orientation relationship model selected from self.orientation_relationships. target : Crystal, optional Crystal to transform to. Providing this parameter allows specification of non-standard lattice parameters. Default is inferred from selected model and uses standard lattice parameters. Returns ------- rel : Orientation, shape (:,self.shape) Orientations related to self according to the selected model for the orientation relationship. Examples -------- Face-centered cubic orientations following from a body-centered cubic crystal in "Cube" orientation according to the Bain orientation relationship (cF -> cI). >>> import numpy as np >>> import damask >>> damask.Orientation(lattice='cF').related('Bain') Crystal family: cubic Bravais lattice: cI a=1 m, b=1 m, c=1 m α=90°, β=90°, γ=90° Quaternions of shape (3,) [[ 6.53281482e-01 2.70598050e-01 6.53281482e-01 2.70598050e-01] [ 2.70598050e-01 -2.70598050e-01 -6.53281482e-01 -6.53281482e-01] [ 9.23879533e-01 -5.55111512e-17 -2.77555756e-17 -3.82683432e-01]] """ lattice,o = self.relation_operations(model,target) target = Crystal(lattice=lattice) if target is None else target return Orientation(rotation=o*Rotation(self.quaternion)[np.newaxis,...], # type: ignore lattice=target.lattice, a=target.a, b=target.b, c=target.c, alpha=target.alpha, beta =target.beta, gamma=target.gamma, )