Source code for damask._vtk

import os
import multiprocessing as mp
from pathlib import Path
import logging
from typing import Optional, Union, Literal, List, Sequence

import numpy as np

from vtkmodules.vtkIOXML import vtkXMLReader, vtkXMLWriter

from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import (
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import (
from vtkmodules.vtkIOLegacy import (
from vtkmodules.vtkIOXML import (
from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (
from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingAnnotation import (
from vtkmodules.util.vtkConstants import (
from vtkmodules.util.numpy_support import (

from ._typehints import FloatSequence, IntSequence
from . import util
from . import Table
from . import Colormap

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class VTK: """ Spatial visualization (and potentially manipulation). High-level interface to VTK. """ def __init__(self, vtk_data: vtkDataSet): """ New spatial visualization. Parameters ---------- vtk_data : subclass of vtkDataSet Description of geometry and topology, optionally with attached data. Valid types are vtkImageData, vtkUnstructuredGrid, vtkPolyData, and vtkRectilinearGrid. """ self.vtk_data: vtkDataSet = vtk_data def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Return repr(self). Give short, human-readable summary. """ info = [self.vtk_data.__vtkname__] # type: ignore for data in ['Cell Data', 'Point Data']: if data == 'Cell Data': info.append(f'\n# cells: {self.N_cells}') if data == 'Point Data': info.append(f'\n# points: {self.N_points}') if data in self.labels: info += [f' - {l}' for l in self.labels[data]] return util.srepr(info) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Return self==other. Test equality of other. Parameters ---------- other : damask.VTK VTK to check for equality. """ if not isinstance(other, VTK): return NotImplemented return self.as_ASCII() == other.as_ASCII() def copy(self): if isinstance(self.vtk_data,vtkImageData): dup = vtkImageData() elif isinstance(self.vtk_data,vtkUnstructuredGrid): dup = vtkUnstructuredGrid() elif isinstance(self.vtk_data,vtkPolyData): dup = vtkPolyData() elif isinstance(self.vtk_data,vtkRectilinearGrid): dup = vtkRectilinearGrid() else: raise TypeError dup.DeepCopy(self.vtk_data) return VTK(dup) @property def comments(self) -> List[str]: """Return the comments.""" field_data = self.vtk_data.GetFieldData() for a in range(field_data.GetNumberOfArrays()): if field_data.GetArrayName(a) == 'comments': comments = field_data.GetAbstractArray(a) return [comments.GetValue(i) for i in range(comments.GetNumberOfValues())] return [] @comments.setter def comments(self, comments: Sequence[str]): """ Set comments. Parameters ---------- comments : sequence of str Comments. """ s = vtkStringArray() s.SetName('comments') for c in comments: s.InsertNextValue(c) self.vtk_data.GetFieldData().AddArray(s) @property def N_points(self) -> int: """Number of points in vtkdata.""" return self.vtk_data.GetNumberOfPoints() @property def N_cells(self) -> int: """Number of cells in vtkdata.""" return self.vtk_data.GetNumberOfCells() @property def labels(self): """Labels of datasets.""" labels = {} cell_data = self.vtk_data.GetCellData() if c := [cell_data.GetArrayName(a) for a in range(cell_data.GetNumberOfArrays())]: labels['Cell Data'] = c point_data = self.vtk_data.GetPointData() if p := [point_data.GetArrayName(a) for a in range(point_data.GetNumberOfArrays())]: labels['Point Data'] = p return labels
[docs] @staticmethod def from_image_data(cells: IntSequence, size: FloatSequence, origin: FloatSequence = np.zeros(3)) -> 'VTK': """ Create VTK of type vtkImageData. This is the common type for grid solver results. Parameters ---------- cells : sequence of int, len (3) Number of cells along each dimension. size : sequence of float, len (3) Edge length along each dimension. origin : sequence of float, len (3), optional Coordinates of grid origin. Returns ------- new : damask.VTK VTK-based geometry without nodal or cell data. """ vtk_data = vtkImageData() vtk_data.SetDimensions(*(np.array(cells)+1)) vtk_data.SetOrigin(*(np.array(origin))) vtk_data.SetSpacing(*(np.array(size)/np.array(cells))) return VTK(vtk_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_unstructured_grid(nodes: np.ndarray, connectivity: np.ndarray, cell_type: str) -> 'VTK': """ Create VTK of type vtkUnstructuredGrid. This is the common type for mesh solver results. Parameters ---------- nodes : numpy.ndarray, shape (:,3) Spatial position of the nodes. connectivity : numpy.ndarray of np.dtype = np.int64 Cell connectivity (0-based), first dimension determines #Cells, second dimension determines #Nodes/Cell. cell_type : str Name of the vtkCell subclass. Tested for TRIANGLE, QUAD, TETRA, and HEXAHEDRON. Returns ------- new : damask.VTK VTK-based geometry without nodal or cell data. """ vtk_nodes = vtkPoints() vtk_nodes.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(nodes))) cells = vtkCellArray() cells.SetNumberOfCells(connectivity.shape[0]) T = np.concatenate((np.ones((connectivity.shape[0],1),dtype=np.int64)*connectivity.shape[1], connectivity),axis=1).ravel() cells.SetCells(connectivity.shape[0],numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(T,deep=True)) vtk_data = vtkUnstructuredGrid() vtk_data.SetPoints(vtk_nodes) cell_types = {'TRIANGLE':VTK_TRIANGLE, 'QUAD':VTK_QUAD, 'TETRA' :VTK_TETRA, 'HEXAHEDRON':VTK_HEXAHEDRON} vtk_data.SetCells(cell_types[cell_type.split("_",1)[-1].upper()],cells) return VTK(vtk_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_poly_data(points: np.ndarray) -> 'VTK': """ Create VTK of type polyData. This is the common type for point-wise data. Parameters ---------- points : numpy.ndarray, shape (:,3) Spatial position of the points. Returns ------- new : damask.VTK VTK-based geometry without nodal or cell data. """ N = points.shape[0] vtk_points = vtkPoints() vtk_points.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(points))) vtk_cells = vtkCellArray() vtk_cells.SetNumberOfCells(N) vtk_cells.SetCells(N,numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(np.stack((np.ones (N,dtype=np.int64), np.arange(N,dtype=np.int64)),axis=1).ravel(),deep=True)) vtk_data = vtkPolyData() vtk_data.SetPoints(vtk_points) vtk_data.SetVerts(vtk_cells) return VTK(vtk_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_rectilinear_grid(grid: FloatSequence) -> 'VTK': """ Create VTK of type vtkRectilinearGrid. Parameters ---------- grid : sequence of sequences of floats, len (3) Grid coordinates along x, y, and z directions. Returns ------- new : damask.VTK VTK-based geometry without nodal or cell data. """ vtk_data = vtkRectilinearGrid() vtk_data.SetDimensions(*map(len,grid)) coord = [numpy_to_vtk(np.array(grid[i]),deep=True) for i in [0,1,2]] [coord[i].SetName(n) for i,n in enumerate(['x','y','z'])] vtk_data.SetXCoordinates(coord[0]) vtk_data.SetYCoordinates(coord[1]) vtk_data.SetZCoordinates(coord[2]) return VTK(vtk_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(fname: Union[str, Path], dataset_type: Literal[None, 'ImageData', 'UnstructuredGrid', 'PolyData', 'RectilinearGrid'] = None) -> 'VTK': """ Load from VTK file. Parameters ---------- fname : str or pathlib.Path Filename to read. Valid extensions are .vti, .vtu, .vtp, .vtr, and .vtk. dataset_type : {'ImageData', 'UnstructuredGrid', 'PolyData', 'RectilinearGrid'}, optional Name of the vtkDataSet subclass when opening a .vtk file. Returns ------- loaded : damask.VTK VTK-based geometry from file. """ if not Path(fname).expanduser().is_file(): # vtk has a strange error handling raise FileNotFoundError(f'file "{fname}" not found') if (ext := Path(fname).suffix) == '.vtk' or dataset_type is not None: vtk_reader = vtkGenericDataObjectReader() vtk_reader.SetFileName(str(Path(fname).expanduser())) if dataset_type is None: raise TypeError('dataset type for *.vtk file not given') vtk_reader.Update() if dataset_type.lower().endswith(('imagedata', 'image_data')): vtk_data = vtk_reader.GetStructuredPointsOutput() elif dataset_type.lower().endswith(('unstructuredgrid', 'unstructured_grid')): vtk_data = vtk_reader.GetUnstructuredGridOutput() elif dataset_type.lower().endswith(('polydata', 'poly_data')): vtk_data = vtk_reader.GetPolyDataOutput() elif dataset_type.lower().endswith(('rectilineargrid', 'rectilinear_grid')): vtk_data = vtk_reader.GetRectilinearGridOutput() else: raise TypeError(f'unknown dataset type "{dataset_type}" for vtk file') else: xml_reader: Optional[vtkXMLReader] = ( vtkXMLImageDataReader() if ext == '.vti' else vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader() if ext == '.vtu' else vtkXMLPolyDataReader() if ext == '.vtp' else vtkXMLRectilinearGridReader() if ext == '.vtr' else None ) if xml_reader is None: raise TypeError(f'unknown file extension "{ext}"') xml_reader.SetFileName(str(Path(fname).expanduser())) xml_reader.Update() vtk_data = xml_reader.GetOutputAsDataSet() return VTK(vtk_data)
@staticmethod def _write(writer): """Wrapper for parallel writing.""" writer.Write()
[docs] def as_ASCII(self) -> str: """ASCII representation of the VTK data.""" writer = vtkDataSetWriter() writer.SetHeader(f'# {util.execution_stamp("VTK")}') writer.WriteToOutputStringOn() writer.SetInputData(self.vtk_data) writer.Write() return writer.GetOutputString()
[docs] def save(self, fname: Union[str, Path], parallel: bool = True, compress: bool = True): """ Save as VTK file. Parameters ---------- fname : str or pathlib.Path Filename to write. parallel : bool, optional Write data in parallel background process. Defaults to True. compress : bool, optional Compress with zlib algorithm. Defaults to True. """ writer: Optional[vtkXMLWriter] = ( vtkXMLImageDataWriter() if isinstance(self.vtk_data, vtkImageData) else vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() if isinstance(self.vtk_data, vtkUnstructuredGrid) else vtkXMLPolyDataWriter() if isinstance(self.vtk_data, vtkPolyData) else vtkXMLRectilinearGridWriter() if isinstance(self.vtk_data, vtkRectilinearGrid) else None ) if writer is None: raise TypeError(f'unknown vtk_data type "{type(self.vtk_data)}"') default_ext = '.'+writer.GetDefaultFileExtension() ext = Path(fname).suffix writer.SetFileName(str(Path(fname).expanduser())+(default_ext if default_ext != ext else '')) if compress: writer.SetCompressorTypeToZLib() else: writer.SetCompressorTypeToNone() writer.SetByteOrderToLittleEndian() writer.SetDataModeToBinary() writer.SetInputData(self.vtk_data) if parallel: try: mp_writer = mp.Process(target=self._write,args=(writer,)) mp_writer.start() except TypeError: writer.Write() else: writer.Write()
[docs] def set(self, label: Optional[str] = None, data: Union[None, np.ndarray,] = None, info: Optional[str] = None, *, table: Optional['Table'] = None) -> 'VTK': """ Add new or replace existing point or cell data. Data can either be a numpy.array, which requires a corresponding label, or a damask.Table. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Label of data array. data : numpy.ndarray or, optional Data to add or replace. First array dimension needs to match either number of cells or number of points. info : str, optional Human-readable information about the data. table: damask.Table, optional Data to add or replace. Each table label is individually considered. Number of rows needs to match either number of cells or number of points. Returns ------- updated : damask.VTK Updated VTK-based geometry. Notes ----- If the number of cells equals the number of points, the data is added to both. """ def _add_array(vtk_data, label: str, data: np.ndarray): N_p,N_c = vtk_data.GetNumberOfPoints(),vtk_data.GetNumberOfCells() if (N_data := data.shape[0]) not in [N_p,N_c]: raise ValueError(f'data count mismatch ({N_data}{N_p} & {N_c})') data_ = data.reshape(N_data,-1) \ .astype(np.single if data.dtype in [np.double,np.longdouble] else data.dtype) if data.dtype.type is np.str_: d = vtkStringArray() for s in np.squeeze(data_): d.InsertNextValue(s) else: d = numpy_to_vtk(data_,deep=True) d.SetName(label) if N_data == N_p: vtk_data.GetPointData().AddArray(d) if N_data == N_c: vtk_data.GetCellData().AddArray(d) if data is None and table is None: raise KeyError('no data given') if data is not None and table is not None: raise KeyError('cannot use both, data and table') dup = self.copy() if isinstance(data,np.ndarray): if label is not None: _add_array(dup.vtk_data, label, np.where(data.mask,data.fill_value,data) if isinstance(data, else data) if info is not None: dup.comments += [f'{label}: {info}'] else: raise ValueError('no label defined for data') elif isinstance(table,Table): for l in table.labels: _add_array(dup.vtk_data,l,table.get(l)) if info is not None: dup.comments += [f'{l}: {info}'] else: raise TypeError return dup
[docs] def get(self, label: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Get either cell or point data. Cell data takes precedence over point data, i.e. this function assumes that labels are unique among cell and point data. Parameters ---------- label : str Data label. Returns ------- data : numpy.ndarray Data stored under the given label. """ cell_data = self.vtk_data.GetCellData() if label in [cell_data.GetArrayName(a) for a in range(cell_data.GetNumberOfArrays())]: try: return vtk_to_numpy(cell_data.GetArray(label)) except AttributeError: vtk_array = cell_data.GetAbstractArray(label) # string array point_data = self.vtk_data.GetPointData() if label in [point_data.GetArrayName(a) for a in range(point_data.GetNumberOfArrays())]: try: return vtk_to_numpy(point_data.GetArray(label)) except AttributeError: vtk_array = point_data.GetAbstractArray(label) # string array try: # string array return np.array([vtk_array.GetValue(i) for i in range(vtk_array.GetNumberOfValues())]).astype(str) except UnboundLocalError: raise KeyError(f'array "{label}" not found')
[docs] def delete(self, label: str) -> 'VTK': """ Delete either cell or point data. Cell data takes precedence over point data, i.e. this function assumes that labels are unique among cell and point data. Parameters ---------- label : str Data label. Returns ------- updated : damask.VTK Updated VTK-based geometry. """ dup = self.copy() cell_data = dup.vtk_data.GetCellData() if label in [cell_data.GetArrayName(a) for a in range(cell_data.GetNumberOfArrays())]: dup.vtk_data.GetCellData().RemoveArray(label) return dup point_data = self.vtk_data.GetPointData() if label in [point_data.GetArrayName(a) for a in range(point_data.GetNumberOfArrays())]: dup.vtk_data.GetPointData().RemoveArray(label) return dup raise KeyError(f'array "{label}" not found')
[docs] def show(self, label: Optional[str] = None, colormap: Union[Colormap, str] = 'cividis'): """ Render. Parameters ---------- label : str, optional Label of the dataset to show. colormap : damask.Colormap or str, optional Colormap for visualization of dataset. Defaults to 'cividis'. Notes ----- The first component is shown when visualizing vector datasets (this includes tensor datasets as they are flattened). """ # See for possible improvements. try: import wx _ = wx.App(False) # noqa width, height = wx.GetDisplaySize() except ImportError: try: import tkinter tk = tkinter.Tk() width = tk.winfo_screenwidth() height = tk.winfo_screenheight() tk.destroy() except Exception: width = 1024 height = 768 lut = vtkLookupTable() colormap_ = Colormap.from_predefined(colormap) if isinstance(colormap,str) else \ colormap lut.SetNumberOfTableValues(len(colormap_.colors)) for i,c in enumerate(colormap_.colors): lut.SetTableValue(i,c if len(c)==4 else np.append(c,1.0)) # type: ignore lut.Build() if label is not None: self.vtk_data.GetCellData().SetActiveScalars(label) mapper = vtkDataSetMapper() mapper.SetInputData(self.vtk_data) mapper.SetLookupTable(lut) mapper.SetScalarRange(self.vtk_data.GetScalarRange()) actor = vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetColor(230/255,150/255,68/255) ren = vtkRenderer() ren.AddActor(actor) if label is None: ren.SetBackground(67/255,128/255,208/255) else: colormap_vtk = vtkScalarBarActor() colormap_vtk.SetLookupTable(lut) colormap_vtk.SetTitle(label) colormap_vtk.SetMaximumWidthInPixels(width//100) ren.AddActor2D(colormap_vtk) ren.SetBackground(0.3,0.3,0.3) window = vtkRenderWindow() window.AddRenderer(ren) window.SetSize(width,height) window.SetWindowName(util.execution_stamp('VTK','show')) iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(window) if == 'posix' and 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ: logger.warning('Found no rendering device') else: window.Render() iren.Start()