import copy
from io import StringIO
from import Iterable
import abc
import platform
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Any, Type, TypeVar
import numpy as np
import yaml
from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader
from yaml import CSafeDumper as SafeDumper
except ImportError:
from yaml import SafeLoader # type: ignore
from yaml import SafeDumper # type: ignore
from ._typehints import FileHandle
from . import Rotation
from . import util
MyType = TypeVar('MyType', bound='YAML')
class NiceDumper(SafeDumper):
"""Make YAML readable for humans."""
def write_line_break(self,
data: Optional[str] = None):
super().write_line_break(data) # type: ignore
if len(self.indents) == 1: # type: ignore
super().write_line_break() # type: ignore
def increase_indent(self,
flow: bool = False,
indentless: bool = False):
return super().increase_indent(flow, False) # type: ignore
def represent_data(self,
data: Any):
"""Cast YAML objects and their subclasses to dict."""
if isinstance(data, dict) and type(data) != dict:
return self.represent_data(dict(data))
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
return self.represent_data(data.tolist())
if isinstance(data, Rotation):
return self.represent_data(data.quaternion.tolist())
if isinstance(data, np.generic):
return self.represent_data(data.item())
return super().represent_data(data)
def ignore_aliases(self,
data: Any) -> bool:
"""Do not use references to existing objects."""
return True
class YAML(dict):
"""YAML-based configuration."""
def __init__(self,
config: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
New YAML-based configuration.
config : dict or str, optional
YAML. String needs to be valid YAML.
**kwargs: arbitrary key–value pairs, optional
Top-level entries of the configuration.
Values given as key–value pairs take precedence
over entries with the same key in 'config'.
if int(platform.python_version_tuple()[1]) >= 9:
if isinstance(config,str):
kwargs = yaml.load(config, Loader=SafeLoader) | kwargs
elif isinstance(config,dict):
kwargs = config | kwargs # type: ignore
if isinstance(config,str):
c = yaml.load(config, Loader=SafeLoader)
elif isinstance(config,dict):
c = config.copy()
c = {}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
Return repr(self).
Show as in file.
output = StringIO()
return ''.join(output.readlines())
def __copy__(self: MyType) -> MyType:
Return deepcopy(self).
Create deep copy.
return copy.deepcopy(self)
copy = __copy__
def __or__(self: MyType,
other) -> MyType:
Return self|other.
Update configuration with contents of other.
other : damask.YAML or dict
Key–value pairs that update self.
updated : damask.YAML
Updated configuration.
This functionality is a backport for Python 3.8
duplicate = self.copy()
return duplicate
def __ior__(self: MyType,
other) -> MyType:
Return self|=other.
Update configuration with contents of other (in-place).
return self.__or__(other)
def delete(self: MyType,
keys: Union[Iterable, str]) -> MyType:
Remove configuration keys.
keys : iterable or scalar
Label of the key(s) to remove.
updated : damask.YAML
Updated configuration.
duplicate = self.copy()
for k in keys if isinstance(keys, Iterable) and not isinstance(keys, str) else [keys]:
del duplicate[k]
return duplicate
def load(cls: Type[MyType],
fname: FileHandle) -> MyType:
Load from YAML file.
fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path
Filename or file to read.
loaded : damask.YAML
YAML from file.
with util.open_text(fname) as fhandle:
return cls(yaml.load(fhandle, Loader=SafeLoader))
def save(self,
fname: FileHandle,
Save to YAML file.
fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path
Filename or file to write.
**kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments parsed to yaml.dump.
for key,default in [('width',256),
if key not in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = default
with util.open_text(fname,'w') as fhandle:
def is_complete(self):
"""Check for completeness."""
raise NotImplementedError
def is_valid(self):
"""Check for valid file layout."""
raise NotImplementedError