"""Miscellaneous helper functionality."""
import sys as _sys
import datetime as _datetime
import os as _os
import subprocess as _subprocess
import shlex as _shlex
import re as _re
import signal as _signal
import fractions as _fractions
import contextlib as _contextlib
from collections import abc as _abc, OrderedDict as _OrderedDict
from functools import reduce as _reduce, partial as _partial, wraps as _wraps
import inspect
from pathlib import Path as _Path
import logging
from typing import Optional as _Optional, Callable as _Callable, Union as _Union, Iterable as _Iterable, \
Dict as _Dict, List as _List, Tuple as _Tuple, Literal as _Literal, NamedTuple as _NamedTuple, \
Any as _Any, TextIO as _TextIO, Generator as _Generator
import numpy as _np
import h5py as _h5py
from . import version as _version
from ._typehints import FloatSequence as _FloatSequence, IntSequence as _IntSequence, \
NumpyRngSeed as _NumpyRngSeed, FileHandle as _FileHandle
class stdioTuple(_NamedTuple):
stdin: str
stdout: str
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender/build_files/scons/tools/bcolors.py
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/287871
_colors = {
'header' : '\033[95m',
'OK_blue': '\033[94m',
'OK_green': '\033[92m',
'warning': '\033[93m',
'fail': '\033[91m',
'end_color': '\033[0m',
'bold': '\033[1m',
'dim': '\033[2m',
'underline': '\033[4m',
'crossout': '\033[9m'
# Functions
def srepr(msg,
glue: str = '\n',
quote: bool = False) -> str:
Join (quoted) items with glue string.
msg : (sequence of) object with __repr__
Items to join.
glue : str, optional
Glue used for joining operation. Defaults to '\n'.
quote : bool, optional
Quote items. Defaults to False.
joined : str
String representation of the joined and quoted items.
q = '"' if quote else ''
if (not hasattr(msg, 'strip') and
(hasattr(msg, '__getitem__') or
hasattr(msg, '__iter__'))):
return glue.join(q+str(x)+q for x in msg)
return q+(msg if isinstance(msg,str) else repr(msg))+q
def emph(msg) -> str:
Format with emphasis.
msg : (sequence of) object with __repr__
Message to format.
formatted : str
Formatted string representation of the joined items.
return _colors['bold']+srepr(msg)+_colors['end_color']
def deemph(msg) -> str:
Format with deemphasis.
msg : (sequence of) object with __repr__
Message to format.
formatted : str
Formatted string representation of the joined items.
return _colors['dim']+srepr(msg)+_colors['end_color']
def warn(msg) -> str:
Format for warning.
msg : (sequence of) object with __repr__
Message to format.
formatted : str
Formatted string representation of the joined items.
return _colors['warning']+emph(msg)+_colors['end_color']
def strikeout(msg) -> str:
Format as strikeout.
msg : (iterable of) object with __repr__
Message to format.
formatted : str
Formatted string representation of the joined items.
return _colors['crossout']+srepr(msg)+_colors['end_color']
def run(cmd: str,
wd: str = './',
env: _Optional[_Dict[str, str]] = None,
timeout: _Optional[int] = None) -> stdioTuple:
Run a command.
cmd : str
Command to be executed.
wd : str, optional
Working directory of process. Defaults to './'.
env : dict, optional
Environment for execution.
timeout : integer, optional
Timeout in seconds.
stdout, stderr : (str, str)
Output of the executed command.
def pass_signal(sig,_,proc,default):
signals = [_signal.SIGINT,_signal.SIGTERM]
logger.info(f"running '{cmd}' in '{wd}'")
process = _subprocess.Popen(_shlex.split(cmd),
stdout = _subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = _subprocess.PIPE,
env = _os.environ if env is None else env,
cwd = wd,
encoding = 'utf-8')
# ensure that process is terminated (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22916783)
sig_states = [_signal.signal(sig,_partial(pass_signal,proc=process,default=_signal.getsignal(sig))) for sig in signals]
stdout,stderr = process.communicate(timeout=timeout)
for sig,state in zip(signals,sig_states):
if process.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"'{cmd}' failed with returncode {process.returncode}")
return stdioTuple(stdout, stderr)
def open_text(fname: _FileHandle,
mode: _Literal['r','w'] = 'r') -> _Generator[_TextIO, None, None]: # noqa
Open a text file with Unix line endings
If a path or string is given, a context manager ensures that
the file handle is closed.
If a file handle is given, it remains unmodified.
fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path
Name or handle of file.
mode: {'r','w'}, optional
Access mode: 'r'ead or 'w'rite, defaults to 'r'.
f : file handle
if isinstance(fname, (str,_Path)):
fhandle = open(_Path(fname).expanduser(),mode,newline=('\n' if mode == 'w' else None))
yield fhandle
yield fname
def time_stamp() -> str:
"""Provide current time as formatted string."""
return _datetime.datetime.now().astimezone().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')
def execution_stamp(class_name: str,
function_name: _Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Timestamp the execution of a (function within a) class."""
_function_name = '' if function_name is None else f'.{function_name}'
return f'damask.{class_name}{_function_name} v{_version} ({time_stamp()})'
def natural_sort(key: str) -> _List[_Union[int, str]]:
Natural sort.
For use in python's 'sorted'.
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
return [ convert(c) for c in _re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ]
def show_progress(iterable: _Iterable,
N_iter: _Optional[int] = None,
prefix: str = '',
bar_length: int = 50) -> _Any:
Decorate a loop with a progress bar.
Use similar like enumerate.
iterable : iterable
Iterable to be decorated.
N_iter : int, optional
Total number of iterations. Required if iterable is not a sequence.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix string. Defaults to ''.
bar_length : int, optional
Length of progress bar in characters. Defaults to 50.
if isinstance(iterable,_abc.Sequence):
if N_iter is None:
N = len(iterable)
raise ValueError('N_iter given for sequence')
if N_iter is None:
raise ValueError('N_iter not given')
N = N_iter
if N <= 1:
for item in iterable:
yield item
status = ProgressBar(N,prefix,bar_length)
for i,item in enumerate(iterable):
yield item
def scale_to_coprime(v: _FloatSequence,
N_significant: int = 9) -> _np.ndarray:
Scale vector to co-prime (relatively prime) integers.
v : sequence of float, len (:)
Vector to scale.
N_significant: int, optional
Number of significant digits to consider. Defaults to 9.
m : numpy.ndarray, shape (:)
Vector scaled to co-prime numbers.
def get_square_denominator(x,max_denominator):
"""Denominator of the square of a number."""
return _fractions.Fraction(x ** 2).limit_denominator(max_denominator).denominator
def abs_lcm(a,b):
"""Absolute value of least common multiple."""
return _np.abs(_np.lcm(a,b))
max_denominator = int(10**(N_significant-1))
v_ = _np.asarray(v)
if _np.issubdtype(v_.dtype,_np.inexact):
v_ = _np.round(_np.asarray(v,_np.float64)/_np.max(_np.abs(v)),N_significant)
m = (v_ * _reduce(abs_lcm, map(lambda x: int(get_square_denominator(x,max_denominator)),v_))**0.5).astype(_np.int64)
m = m//_reduce(_np.gcd,m)
if not _np.allclose(m/_np.max(_np.abs(m)),v/_np.max(_np.abs(v)),atol=1e-2,rtol=0):
raise ValueError(f'invalid result "{m}" for input "{v}"')
return m
def project_equal_angle(vector: _np.ndarray,
direction: _Literal['x', 'y', 'z'] = 'z', # noqa
normalize: bool = True,
keepdims: bool = False) -> _np.ndarray:
Apply equal-angle projection to vector.
vector : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3)
Vector coordinates to be projected.
direction : {'x', 'y', 'z'}
Projection direction. Defaults to 'z'.
normalize : bool
Ensure unit length of input vector. Defaults to True.
keepdims : bool
Maintain three-dimensional output coordinates.
Defaults to False.
coordinates : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,2 | 3)
Projected coordinates.
Two-dimensional output uses right-handed frame spanned by
the next and next-next axis relative to the projection direction,
e.g. x-y when projecting along z and z-x when projecting along y.
>>> import damask
>>> import numpy as np
>>> project_equal_angle(np.ones(3))
array([0.3660, 0.3660])
>>> project_equal_angle(np.ones(3),direction='x',normalize=False,keepdims=True)
array([0. , 0.5, 0.5])
>>> project_equal_angle([0,1,1],direction='y',normalize=True,keepdims=False)
array([0.4142, 0. ])
shift = 'zyx'.index(direction)
v = _np.roll(vector/_np.linalg.norm(vector,axis=-1,keepdims=True) if normalize else vector,
return _np.roll(_np.block([v[...,:2]/(1.0+_np.abs(v[...,2:3])),_np.zeros_like(v[...,2:3])]),
-shift if keepdims else 0,axis=-1)[...,:3 if keepdims else 2]
def project_equal_area(vector: _np.ndarray,
direction: _Literal['x', 'y', 'z'] = 'z', # noqa
normalize: bool = True,
keepdims: bool = False) -> _np.ndarray:
Apply equal-area projection to vector.
vector : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3)
Vector coordinates to be projected.
direction : {'x', 'y', 'z'}
Projection direction. Defaults to 'z'.
normalize : bool
Ensure unit length of input vector. Defaults to True.
keepdims : bool
Maintain three-dimensional output coordinates.
Defaults to False.
coordinates : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,2 | 3)
Projected coordinates.
Two-dimensional output uses right-handed frame spanned by
the next and next-next axis relative to the projection direction,
e.g. x-y when projecting along z and z-x when projecting along y.
>>> import damask
>>> import numpy as np
>>> project_equal_area(np.ones(3))
array([0.4597, 0.4597])
>>> project_equal_area(np.ones(3),direction='x',normalize=False,keepdims=True)
array([0. , 0.7071, 0.7071])
>>> project_equal_area([0,1,1],direction='y',normalize=True,keepdims=False)
array([0.5412, 0. ])
shift = 'zyx'.index(direction)
v = _np.roll(vector/_np.linalg.norm(vector,axis=-1,keepdims=True) if normalize else vector,
return _np.roll(_np.block([v[...,:2]/_np.sqrt(1.0+_np.abs(v[...,2:3])),_np.zeros_like(v[...,2:3])]),
-shift if keepdims else 0,axis=-1)[...,:3 if keepdims else 2]
def hybrid_IA(dist: _FloatSequence,
N: int,
rng_seed: _Optional[_NumpyRngSeed] = None) -> _np.ndarray:
Hybrid integer approximation.
dist : numpy.ndarray
Distribution to be approximated.
N : int
Number of samples to draw.
rng_seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator}, optional
A seed to initialize the BitGenerator. Defaults to None.
If None, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS.
hist : numpy.ndarray, shape (N)
Integer approximation of the distribution.
N_opt_samples = max(_np.count_nonzero(dist),N) # random subsampling if too little samples requested
N_inv_samples = _np.int_(0)
scale_,scale,inc_factor = (0.0,float(N_opt_samples),1.0)
while (not _np.isclose(scale, scale_)) and (N_inv_samples != N_opt_samples):
repeats = _np.rint(scale*_np.array(dist)).astype(_np.int64)
N_inv_samples = _np.sum(repeats)
scale_,scale,inc_factor = (scale,scale+inc_factor*0.5*(scale - scale_), inc_factor*2.0) \
if N_inv_samples < N_opt_samples else \
(scale_,0.5*(scale_ + scale), 1.0)
return _np.repeat(_np.arange(len(dist)),repeats)[_np.random.default_rng(rng_seed).permutation(N_inv_samples)[:N]]
def shapeshifter(fro: _Tuple[int, ...],
to: _Tuple[int, ...],
mode: _Literal['left','right'] = 'left', # noqa
keep_ones: bool = False) -> _Tuple[int, ...]:
Return dimensions that reshape 'fro' to become broadcastable to 'to'.
fro : tuple
Original shape of array.
to : tuple
Target shape of array after broadcasting.
len(to) cannot be less than len(fro).
mode : {'left', 'right'}, optional
Indicates whether new axes are preferably added to
either left or right of the original shape.
Defaults to 'left'.
keep_ones : bool, optional
Treat '1' in fro as literal value instead of dimensional placeholder.
Defaults to False.
new_dims : tuple
Dimensions for reshape.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from damask import util
>>> a = np.ones((3,4,2))
>>> b = np.ones(4)
>>> b_extended = b.reshape(util.shapeshifter(b.shape,a.shape))
>>> (a * np.broadcast_to(b_extended,a.shape)).shape
(3, 4, 2)
if len(fro) == 0 and len(to) == 0: return tuple()
_fro = [1] if len(fro) == 0 else list(fro)[::-1 if mode=='left' else 1]
_to = [1] if len(to) == 0 else list(to) [::-1 if mode=='left' else 1]
final_shape: _List[int] = []
index = 0
for i,item in enumerate(_to):
if item == _fro[index]:
if _fro[index] == 1 and not keep_ones:
if index == len(_fro):
final_shape = final_shape+[1]*(len(_to)-i-1)
if index != len(_fro): raise ValueError(f'shapes cannot be shifted {fro} --> {to}')
return tuple(final_shape[::-1] if mode == 'left' else final_shape)
def shapeblender(a: _Tuple[int, ...],
b: _Tuple[int, ...],
keep_ones: bool = False) -> _Tuple[int, ...]:
Return a shape that overlaps the rightmost entries of 'a' with the leftmost of 'b'.
a : tuple
Shape of first array.
b : tuple
Shape of second array.
keep_ones : bool, optional
Treat innermost '1's as literal value instead of dimensional placeholder.
Defaults to False.
>>> shapeblender((3,2),(3,2))
(3, 2)
>>> shapeblender((4,3),(3,2))
(4, 3, 2)
>>> shapeblender((4,4),(3,2))
(4, 4, 3, 2)
>>> shapeblender((1,2),(1,2,3))
(1, 2, 3)
>>> shapeblender((),(2,2,1))
(2, 2, 1)
>>> shapeblender((1,),(2,2,1))
(2, 2, 1)
>>> shapeblender((1,),(2,2,1),True)
(1, 2, 2, 1)
def is_broadcastable(a,b):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
a_,_b = a,b
if keep_ones:
i = min(len(a_),len(_b))
while i > 0 and a_[-i:] != _b[:i]: i -= 1
return a_ + _b[i:]
a_ += max(0,len(_b)-len(a_))*(1,)
while not is_broadcastable(a_,_b):
a_ = a_ + ((1,) if len(a_)<=len(_b) else ())
_b = ((1,) if len(_b)<len(a_) else ()) + _b
return _np.broadcast_shapes(a_,_b)
def _docstringer(docstring: _Union[str, _Callable],
adopted_parameters: _Union[None, str, _Callable] = None,
adopted_return: _Union[None, str, _Callable] = None,
adopted_notes: _Union[None, str, _Callable] = None,
adopted_examples: _Union[None, str, _Callable] = None,
adopted_references: _Union[None, str, _Callable] = None) -> str:
Extend a docstring.
docstring : str or callable, optional
Docstring (of callable) to extend.
adopted_* : str or callable, optional
Additional information to insert into or append to respective section.
adopted_return fetches the typehint of a passed function instead of the docstring
docstring_: str = str( docstring if isinstance(docstring,str)
else docstring.__doc__ if callable(docstring) and docstring.__doc__
else '').rstrip()+'\n'
sections = _OrderedDict(
for i, (key, adopted) in [(i,(k,v)) for (i,(k,v)) in enumerate(sections.items()) if v is not None]:
section_regex = fr'^([ ]*){key}\s*\n\1*{"-"*len(key)}\s*\n'
if key=='Returns':
if callable(adopted):
return_class = adopted.__annotations__.get('return','')
return_type_ = (_sys.modules[adopted.__module__].__name__.split('.')[0]
+(return_class.__name__ if not isinstance(return_class,str) else return_class))
return_type_ = adopted
docstring_ = _re.sub(fr'(^[ ]*{key}\s*\n\s*{"-"*len(key)}\s*\n[ ]*[A-Za-z0-9_ ]*: )(.*)\n',
section_content_regex = fr'{section_regex}(?P<content>.*?)\n *(\n|\Z)'
adopted_: str = adopted.__doc__ if callable(adopted) else adopted #type: ignore
if _re.search(fr'{section_regex}', adopted_, flags=_re.MULTILINE):
adopted_ = _re.search(section_content_regex, #type: ignore
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError(f"function docstring passed for docstring section '{key}' is invalid:\n{docstring}")
docstring_indent, adopted_indent = (min([len(line)-len(line.lstrip()) for line in section.split('\n') if line.strip()])
for section in [docstring_, adopted_])
shift = adopted_indent - docstring_indent
adopted_content = '\n'.join([(line[shift:] if shift > 0 else
f'{" "*-shift}{line}') for line in adopted_.split('\n') if line.strip()])
if _re.search(section_regex, docstring_, flags=_re.MULTILINE):
docstring_section_content = _re.search(section_content_regex, # type: ignore
a_items, d_items = (_re.findall('^[ ]*([A-Za-z0-9_ ]*?)[ ]*:',content,flags=_re.MULTILINE)
for content in [adopted_content,docstring_section_content])
for item in a_items:
if item in d_items:
adopted_content = _re.sub(fr'^([ ]*){item}.*?(?:(\n)\1([A-Za-z0-9_])|([ ]*\Z))',
flags=_re.MULTILINE|_re.DOTALL).rstrip(' \n')
docstring_ = _re.sub(fr'(^[ ]*{key}\s*\n\s*{"-"*len(key)}\s*\n.*?)\n *(\Z|\n)',
section_title = f'{" "*(shift+docstring_indent)}{key}\n{" "*(shift+docstring_indent)}{"-"*len(key)}\n'
section_matches = [_re.search(
fr'[ ]*{list(sections.keys())[index]}\s*\n\s*{"-"*len(list(sections.keys())[index])}\s*', docstring_)
for index in range(i,len(sections))]
subsequent_section = '\\Z' if not any(section_matches) else \
'\n'+next(item for item in section_matches if item is not None).group(0)
docstring_ = _re.sub(fr'({subsequent_section})',
return docstring_
def extend_docstring(docstring: _Union[None, str, _Callable] = None,
**kwargs) -> _Callable:
Decorator: Extend the function's docstring.
docstring : str or callable, optional
Docstring to extend. Defaults to that of decorated function.
adopted_* : str or callable, optional
Additional information to insert into or append to respective section.
Return type will become own type if docstring is callable.
def _decorator(func):
if 'adopted_return' not in kwargs: kwargs['adopted_return'] = func
func.__doc__ = _docstringer(func.__doc__ if docstring is None else docstring,
return func
return _decorator
def pass_on(keyword: str,
target: _Callable,
wrapped: _Callable = None) -> _Callable: # type: ignore
Decorator: Combine signatures of 'wrapped' and 'target' functions and pass on output of 'target' as 'keyword' argument.
keyword : str
Keyword added to **kwargs of the decorated function
passing on the result of 'target'.
target : callable
The output of this function is passed to the
decorated function as 'keyword' argument.
wrapped: callable, optional
Signature of 'wrapped' function combined with
that of 'target' yields the overall signature of decorated function.
The keywords used by 'target' will be prioritized
if they overlap with those of the decorated function.
Functions 'target' and 'wrapped' are assumed to only have keyword arguments.
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
kw_wrapped = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(inspect.getfullargspec(target).args)
kwargs_wrapped = {kw: kwargs.pop(kw) for kw in kw_wrapped}
kwargs_wrapped[keyword] = target(**kwargs)
return func(*args, **kwargs_wrapped)
args_ = [] if wrapped is None or 'self' not in inspect.signature(wrapped).parameters \
else [inspect.signature(wrapped).parameters['self']]
for f in [target] if wrapped is None else [target,wrapped]:
for param in inspect.signature(f).parameters.values():
if param.name != keyword \
and param.name not in [p.name for p in args_]+['self','cls', 'args', 'kwargs']:
wrapper.__signature__ = inspect.Signature(parameters=args_,return_annotation=inspect.signature(func).return_annotation)
return wrapper
return decorator
def DREAM3D_base_group(fname: _Union[str, _Path, _h5py.File]) -> str:
Determine the base group of a DREAM.3D file.
The base group is defined as the group (folder) that contains
a 'SPACING' dataset in a '_SIMPL_GEOMETRY' group.
fname : str, pathlib.Path, or _h5py.File
Filename of the DREAM.3D (HDF5) file.
path : str
Path to the base group.
def get_base_group(f: _h5py.File) -> str:
base_group = f.visit(lambda path: path.rsplit('/',2)[0] if '_SIMPL_GEOMETRY/SPACING' in path else None)
if base_group is None:
raise ValueError(f'could not determine base group in file "{fname}"')
return base_group
if isinstance(fname,_h5py.File):
return get_base_group(fname)
with _h5py.File(_Path(fname).expanduser(),'r') as f:
return get_base_group(f)
def DREAM3D_cell_data_group(fname: _Union[str, _Path, _h5py.File]) -> str:
Determine the cell data group of a DREAM.3D file.
The cell data group is defined as the group (folder) that contains
a dataset in the base group whose length matches the total number
of points as specified in '_SIMPL_GEOMETRY/DIMENSIONS'.
fname : str, pathlib.Path, or h5py.File
Filename of the DREAM.3D (HDF5) file.
path : str
Path to the cell data group.
def get_cell_data_group(f: _h5py.File) -> str:
base_group = DREAM3D_base_group(f)
cells = tuple(f['/'.join([base_group,'_SIMPL_GEOMETRY','DIMENSIONS'])][()][::-1])
cell_data_group = f[base_group].visititems(lambda path,obj: path.split('/')[0] \
if isinstance(obj,_h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset) and _np.shape(obj)[:-1] == cells \
else None)
if cell_data_group is None:
raise ValueError(f'could not determine cell-data group in file "{fname}/{base_group}"')
return cell_data_group
if isinstance(fname,_h5py.File):
return get_cell_data_group(fname)
with _h5py.File(_Path(fname).expanduser(),'r') as f:
return get_cell_data_group(f)
def _standardize_MillerBravais(idx: _IntSequence) -> _np.ndarray:
Convert Miller-Bravais indices with missing component to standard (full) form.
idx : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,4) or (...,3)
Miller–Bravais indices of crystallographic direction [uvtw] or plane normal (hkil).
The third index (t or i) can be omitted completely or given as "..." (Ellipsis).
uvtw|hkil : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,4)
Miller-Bravais indices of [uvtw] direction or (hkil) plane normal.
def expand(v: _np.ndarray) -> _np.ndarray:
"""Expand from 3 to 4 indices."""
return _np.block([v[...,:2], -_np.sum(v[...,:2],axis=-1,keepdims=True), v[...,2:]])
a = _np.asarray(idx)
if _np.issubdtype(a.dtype,_np.signedinteger):
if a.shape[-1] == 4:
if (_np.sum(a[...,:3],axis=-1) != 0).any(): raise ValueError(rf'u+v+t≠0 | h+k+i≠0: {a}')
return a
elif a.shape[-1] == 3:
return expand(a)
if a.shape[-1] == 4:
b = (_np.block([a[...,:2],
_np.where(a[...,2:3] == ..., -_np.sum(a[...,:2],axis=-1,keepdims=True),a[...,2:3]),
if (_np.sum(b[...,:3].astype(int),axis=-1) != 0).any(): raise ValueError(rf'u+v+t≠0 | h+k+i≠0: {b}')
elif a.shape[-1] == 3:
b = expand(a)
if (b != (c := b.astype(int))).any():
raise ValueError(f'"uvtw" | "hkil" are not (castable to) signed integers: {a}')
return c
raise ValueError(f'invalid Miller-Bravais indices {a}')
def Bravais_to_Miller(*,
uvtw: _Optional[_IntSequence] = None,
hkil: _Optional[_IntSequence] = None) -> _np.ndarray:
Transform 4 Miller–Bravais indices to 3 Miller indices of crystal direction [uvw] or plane normal (hkl).
uvtw|hkil : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,4) or (...,3)
Miller–Bravais indices of crystallographic direction [uvtw] or plane normal (hkil).
The third index (t or i) can be omitted completely or given as "..." (Ellipsis).
uvw|hkl : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3)
Miller indices of [uvw] direction or (hkl) plane normal.
if (uvtw is not None) ^ (hkil is None):
raise KeyError('specify either "uvtw" or "hkil"')
elif uvtw is not None:
axis,basis = _standardize_MillerBravais(uvtw),_np.array([[2,1,0,0],
elif hkil is not None:
axis,basis = _standardize_MillerBravais(hkil),_np.array([[1,0,0,0],
uvw_hkl = _np.einsum('il,...l',basis,axis)
return uvw_hkl//_np.gcd.reduce(uvw_hkl,axis=-1,keepdims=True)
MillerBravais_to_Miller = Bravais_to_Miller
def Miller_to_Bravais(*,
uvw: _Optional[_IntSequence] = None,
hkl: _Optional[_IntSequence] = None) -> _np.ndarray:
Transform 3 Miller indices to 4 Miller–Bravais indices of crystal direction [uvtw] or plane normal (hkil).
uvw|hkl : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,3)
Miller indices of crystallographic direction [uvw] or plane normal (hkl).
uvtw|hkil : numpy.ndarray, shape (...,4)
Miller–Bravais indices of [uvtw] direction or (hkil) plane normal.
if (uvw is not None) ^ (hkl is None):
raise KeyError('specify either "uvw" or "hkl"')
axis,basis = (_np.asarray(uvw),_np.array([[ 2,-1, 0],
[-1, 2, 0],
[-1,-1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 3]])) \
if hkl is None else \
(_np.asarray(hkl),_np.array([[ 1, 0, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0],
[-1,-1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1]]))
if (axis != axis.astype(int)).any():
raise ValueError(f'"uvt" | "hki" are not (castable to) signed integers: {axis}')
uvtw_hkil = _np.einsum('il,...l',basis,axis.astype(int))
return uvtw_hkil//_np.gcd.reduce(uvtw_hkil,axis=-1,keepdims=True)
Miller_to_MillerBravais = Miller_to_Bravais
def dict_prune(d: _Dict) -> _Dict:
Recursively remove empty dictionaries.
d : dict
Dictionary to prune.
pruned : dict
Pruned dictionary.
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48151953
new = {}
for k,v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = dict_prune(v)
if not isinstance(v,dict) or v != {}:
new[k] = v
return new
def dict_flatten(d: _Dict) -> _Dict:
Recursively remove keys of single-entry dictionaries.
d : dict
Dictionary to flatten.
flattened : dict
Flattened dictionary.
if isinstance(d,dict) and len(d) == 1:
entry = d[list(d.keys())[0]]
new = dict_flatten(entry.copy()) if isinstance(entry,dict) else entry
new = {k: (dict_flatten(v) if isinstance(v, dict) else v) for k,v in d.items()}
return new
# Classes
class ProgressBar:
Report progress of an interation as a status bar.
Works for 0-based loops, ETA is estimated by linear extrapolation.
def __init__(self,
total: int,
prefix: str,
bar_length: int):
New progress bar.
total : int
Total # of iterations.
prefix : str
Prefix string.
bar_length : int
Character length of bar.
self.total = total
self.prefix = prefix
self.bar_length = bar_length
self.time_start = self.time_last_update = _datetime.datetime.now()
self.fraction_last = 0.0
if _sys.stdout.isatty():
_sys.stdout.write(f"{self.prefix} {'░'*self.bar_length} 0% ETA n/a")
def update(self,
iteration: int) -> None:
fraction = (iteration+1) / self.total
if (filled_length := int(self.bar_length * fraction)) > int(self.bar_length * self.fraction_last) or \
_datetime.datetime.now() - self.time_last_update > _datetime.timedelta(seconds=10):
self.time_last_update = _datetime.datetime.now()
bar = '█' * filled_length + '░' * (self.bar_length - filled_length)
remaining_time = (_datetime.datetime.now() - self.time_start) \
* (self.total - (iteration+1)) / (iteration+1)
remaining_time -= _datetime.timedelta(microseconds=remaining_time.microseconds) # remove μs
if _sys.stdout.isatty():
_sys.stdout.write(f'\r{self.prefix} {bar} {fraction:>4.0%} ETA {remaining_time}')
self.fraction_last = fraction
if iteration == self.total - 1 and _sys.stdout.isatty():