Package Manager#

Installation through a package manager is the recommended option except for the coupling to MSC Marc.


Ubuntu packages are hosted on launchpad. Supported versions are

  • 24.10 (Oracular Oriole)

  • 24.04 (Noble Numbat)

  • 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)

  • 20.04 (Focal Fossa)

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh, except on 20.04), and processing tools (python3-damask) can be installed with

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:damask-multiphysics/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y damask

Details regarding the individual packages are available on DAMASK@launchpad.


Debian packages are hosted on the openSUSE Build Service. Supported versions are

  • Unstable

  • Testing

  • 12

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python3-damask) can be installed with

export DEBIAN_RELEASE=12   # or other supported version
export OBS_URL=
echo "deb ${OBS_URL}/Debian_${DEBIAN_RELEASE}/ /" \
  | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:MarDieh.list
curl -fsSL${DEBIAN_RELEASE}/Release.key \
  | gpg --dearmor \
  | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_MarDieh.gpg > /dev/null
apt-get update
apt-get install -y damask

Details regarding the available packages can be found on DAMASK@openSUSE Build Service.


Fedora packages are hosted on the openSUSE Build Service. Supported versions are

  • 40

  • 39

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python-damask) can be installed with

dnf install -y fedora-release
export FEDORA_RELEASE=$(rpm --query fedora-release | cut -f3 -d '-')
export OBS_URL=
dnf config-manager --add-repo ${OBS_URL}/Fedora_${FEDORA_RELEASE}/home:MarDieh.repo
dnf install -y damask

Details regarding the available packages can be found on DAMASK@openSUSE Build Service.


Running DAMASK_grid and DAMASK_mesh requires to load the mpi module via module load mpi.


openSuse packages are hosted on the openSUSE Build Service. Supported versions are

  • Tumbleweed

  • Slowroll

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python-damask) can be installed with

export openSUSE_RELEASE=Tumbleweed   # or other supported version
export OBS_URL=
zypper addrepo ${OBS_URL}/openSUSE_${openSUSE_RELEASE}/home:MarDieh.repo
zypper refresh
zypper install damask

Details regarding the available packages can be found on DAMASK@openSUSE Build Service.

Arch Linux#

Recipes for Arch Linux and related distributions are available on the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR).

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python-damask) can be installed with

git clone
cd damask
pacman -U *damask*.zst

Details regarding the individual packages are available on DAMASK@AUR.


Conda packages are hosted on conda-forge.

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (python-damask) can be installed with

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install damask

Details regarding the individual packages are available on DAMASK@conda-forge.


On Windows, due to missing dependencies, only the processing tools (python-damask) can be installed but not the solvers.


The Conda package is maintained on GitHub. Please report issues directly to the DAMASK feedstock repository.


Spack packages are included as mainline packages.

A metapackage that contains the DAMASK open source suite consisting of grid solver (damask-grid), mesh solver (damask-mesh), and processing tools (py-damask) can be installed with

spack install damask

Details regarding the individual packages are available on DAMASK@Spack.


Due to incompatibilities, the processing tools (py-damask) cannot be built using the Intel toolchain (intel-oneapi-compilers).


The Spack package is maintained on GitHub. Please report issues directly to the Spack repository.


Flatpak packages of the mesh and grid solver are available on Flathub.

Both open source solvers can be installed with

flatpak install flathub org.damask_multiphysics.DAMASK_grid
flatpak install flathub org.damask_multiphysics.DAMASK_mesh

Details regarding the packages are available on DAMASK_grid@Flathub and DAMASK_mesh@Flathub.


To access local files, use the --file-forwarding flag and enclose paths with a starting and ending @@.