
Information about DAMASK release and development versions is provided here. We urge you to use, whenever possible, the most recent release version.

Versioning Scheme#

Semantic Versioning is used for DAMASK releases.
^^^^^^------------------ Name
       ^^--------------- Major (backward incompatible file formats)
          ^^------------ Minor (new features)
             ^^--------- Bugfix
                ^^^^---- Patch

Current Release#

The current release version is 3.0.0.

  • Release date: Jul 22, 2024

  • Download: damask-3.0.0.tar.xz

  • SHA-256 hash: damask-3.0.0.tar.xz.sha256

  • Release notes:

    • keep integer datatype when converting between Miller-Bravais and Miller indices

    • Miller-Bravais indices support for the “to_frame” method of the Orientation class

    • made Python library compatible with NumPy 2.0

Development Version#

The current development version is available on GitHub:

git clone

Registered users can also clone from the DAMASK GitLab instance:

git clone

Previous Releases#


  • Release date: May 30, 2024

  • Download: damask-3.0.0-beta2.tar.xz

  • SHA-256 hash: damask-3.0.0-beta2.tar.xz.sha256

  • Release notes:

    • bugfix: segmentation fault when using phenopowerlaw with multiple phases

    • bugfix: wrong time scaling for Runge-Kutta integrators

    • new syntax for non-Schmid coefficients

    • remove “to_pole” of the Rotation class in favor of “to_frame”

    • no dummy material is needed anymore for the mesh solver

    • the “to_frame” and “to_lattice” methods of the Rotation class are with respect to lab frame

    • re-ordered bcc slip systems to follow literature

    • implemented interpolation of nodal coordinates for regridding

    • support for PETSc 3.21.x

    • update result file DADF5 to version 1.1

    • new material configuration files

    • restructured layout of configuration file for numerics


  • Release date: January 23, 2024

  • Download: damask-3.0.0-beta.tar.xz

  • SHA-256 hash: damask-3.0.0-beta.tar.xz.sha256

  • Release notes:

    • improved CLI interface reporting of grid and mesh solver

    • support export of grid solver results to DREAM.3D

    • support import of grid solver geometry from SSPARKS file

    • mesh solver uses load case in YAML format

    • new examples for mesh solver

    • systematic naming of Python modules: Config -> YAML, Geom -> GeomGrid

    • enabled dipole annihilation for zero stress (dislotwin)

    • support for newer MSC.Marc version: 2023.4 (new default)

    • corrected definition of twin systems

    • proper bi-directional orientation relationships in Python library

    • attributes of Result object depend on view

    • corrected interaction parameters for Mg phenopowerlaw configuration example


  • Release date: November 15, 2023

  • Download: damask-3.0.0-alpha8.tar.xz

  • SHA-256 hash: damask-3.0.0-alpha8.tar.xz.sha256

  • Release notes:

    • orientation relationship definitions now correct for both directions

    • corrected erroneous non-Schmid implementation

    • tI (bct) slip systems now depend correctly on c/a

    • corrected mistake in forest projection calculations (dislotungsten, dislotwin)

    • corrected setting of initial temperature in the grid solver

    • damage restart works properly

    • corrected thermal dissipation

    • correct damage driving force in isobrittle model

    • asymptotic hardening of phenopowerlaw respects own (not other) saturation

    • formerly universal parameters of kinehardening and phenopowerlaw are now specified per family

    • restructured numerical configuration

    • mandatory argument for grid and mesh solver: path to material configuration (was material.yaml)

    • optional arguments for grid and mesh solver: path to numerics configuration (was numerics.yaml) and jobname

    • dropped possibility to specify concurrent damage models

    • corrected dataset names for damage

    • post-processing in damask.Result is always sequential

    • dropped support for optional debug output via debug.yaml

    • support for newer MSC.Marc versions: 2022.2, 2022.3, 2022.4, 2023.1, 2023.2, 2023.3 (new default)

    • support for newer PETSc versions: 3.19 and 3.20

    • added flexibility for ANG file importing

    • convenient shape handling when applying damask.Rotation/damask.Orientation objects

    • new and improved material.yaml examples


  • Release date: October 10, 2022

  • Download: damask-3.0.0-alpha7.tar.xz

  • SHA-256 hash: damask-3.0.0-alpha7.tar.xz.sha256

  • Release notes:

    • point-wise initialization of thermal field for grid solver

    • point-wise initialization of damage field for grid solver

    • improved performance of parsing material.yaml

    • option to use libfyaml for parsing YAML configuration files

    • setup.cfg replaces for Python installation

    • new and improved material.yaml examples

    • support for MSC.Marc 2022.1

    • simplified integration into MSC.Marc

    • define initial eigenstrain via V_e


  • Release date: February 18, 2022

  • Download: damask-3.0.0-alpha6.tar.xz

  • SHA-256 hash: damask-3.0.0-alpha6.tar.xz.sha256

  • Release notes:

    • new license: AGPLv3 instead of GPLv3

    • typehints for most Python functions

    • fixed dislotwin (TWIP/TRIP)

    • new and improved material.yaml examples

    • support for PETSc with 64bit indices

    • support for MSC.Marc 2021.3.1

    • MSC.Marc integration works again

    • MPI parallelization of mesh solver works again

    • new functionality: define initial eigenstrain

    • using physics-based interaction matrix for hP

    • homogenization honors given volume fraction v

    • corrected calculation of thermal expansion






2.0 series#
