Mesh Solver#


The mesh solver operates on an unstructured mesh specified in the MSH format, version 4. The material ID in the Material Configuration is referenced via the physical tag. The material IDs in this dataset are one-based, i.e. a maximum ID of N requires to have N material definitions. Neper and Gmsh are the recommended tools to generate mesh solver geometries.

Load Case#

The load case of the mesh solver is written in YAML style. It contains one top-level key:

  • loadstep


The YAML parser used in DAMASK does not support advanced features, such as references and line continuation statements, unless DAMASK was compiled with libfyaml.


… is a list of dictionaries that specifies the details of each individual load step in the simulation. Every load step has a number of parameters that need to be declared:

  • discretization

    • N: number of increments

    • t: time of load step in seconds, i.e. \(t = \sum_{i=1}^N \Delta t_i\)

  • f_out: output frequency of results; e.g. \(f_\text{out} = 3\) writes results every third increment

  • boundary_conditions

    • mechanical

      • dot_u: t.b.d.

      • tag: t.b.d.